My motoros


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I believe these are all Peruvian motoros. I got my male last Feb (the largest), the large female 6 months ago, and the smaller one 3 months ago. I got them all at about 4".

The male has small spots which are slightly irregularily shaped. He is currently 11" across and his claspers are starting to develope. He is incredibly dark brown which is nice considering most motoros I see are tan colored.

This is my largest female who is about 8" right now.

Recently her color and pattern has seemed to change a bit. The very center of her spots are becoming alot brighter and the disc color around the black rings is starting to lighten up. Like a ring around the black ring. (hard to notice in the pictures, but they are there)


And my last female, the smallest of the group at about 6". Beautiful color, very bright spots and lots of them.

I'm debating picking up another male that looks very similar to the smallest female and another nice female if I can find one that is alot different than the others.

Tim :)
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wow man those motoros are looking amazing and well fed and the tail on the one in the bucket is nice and fat your doing an amazing job with these rays what size tank you keeping them in?
Thanks :)

Currently the females are in a 120, and the male is in a 140.

I just finalized a deal to pick up 3 (2 males, 1 female) later this week. Unfortunatly its site unseen but the deal was way to good to pass up. I'll get pics up on those in the following week.
Thanks :)

They are eating mostly shrimp as of right now. But they eat shrimp, night crawlers, and the odd scallop when they are feeling up for it. Night crawlers are impossible to get around these parts right now so thats why I'm feeding mostly shrimp
Nice rays. I like who the first one is fat. Your other two look so much like mines... (that is why they are nice :D )
how often do you feed your rays?
i got mine 2 monthes ago but still look skinny and small....i would liek to pump them up..
how often do you feed your rays?
i got mine 2 monthes ago but still look skinny and small....i would liek to pump them up..

I feed mine blood worms in the first week I got them. Then I trained them to eat shrimp and sinking pellets the next week. In about 2 week they were fat and eats like a pig. I use hikari masirnivore delite and sinking carnivore pellets as a staple food.
how often do you feed your rays?
i got mine 2 monthes ago but still look skinny and small....i would liek to pump them up..

For those 3 I used nightcrawlers to fatten them up. Started off chopped up because they were to small to eat the worms whole. Then onto full worms. I fed the twice daily as much as they'd eat.

The new group I have are strickly on shrimp. I'm going to see if that works as well. They are being fed 3 times a day though because they were a little skinny being fresh imports and all.
Hey, Homebrewed. Ewing at Fish Gallery in Winnipeg had mentioned to me a place in Winnipeg that sells night crawlers but I can't think of the name right now. You can ask Ewing, though, he would know. He also seems to have quite a few rays in stock as he is trying to breed them. That's where I bought my 2 motoro rays and jardini.