Not sure if I missed it...but who is moving into there?
Are you adding gravel?
Great looking tank
Must be itching to fill it with fish
What is the blue stuff in the room?
Looks nice, is that a NAFB tank?
is it really cold in the shack?
awesome much u get it for? i might be interested in one of those in the future...
Good deal!
What is their website?
What fish going in there?
Protoxeno- Tank looks great! Why did you decide to put the tank in a shack and not in your house? Not enough space? Make sure that heater never stops working in there or you will be in trouble! Thanks for the photos.Oh, and what u gonna put in there? Reds?
thats a really nice tank, oh by the way is ur stand metal or wood?
does it have a crossbrace though?
better invest in a good lock for ur shack....or maybe next day missin some fish...