My rays had pups!


New Member
I know this is an arowana forum but my aro shares his tank with two rays and they had 2 baby rays on Wednesday! As I didn't have any black worms for them, I had to drive 100 miles to the LFS after work to buy some (didn't get home till 10:30). That was a long but memorable day!

I got the first one out into an empty 50g to be safe but the second one I found today in the overflow! :eek: :D I don't know how he got in there but he seems to be doing alright. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get him out as I have to remove the durso in the overflow first. He should be safe in there by himself for now.

They will eventually go into the 270g with my new red aro (after I finish paying for him). Now I'm really going to be busy with water changes! :rolleyes:
Way to go!

How long have you had the parents together?

I guess I've had the rays for about a year. The male used to chase the female around in a tight circle, sometimes with his teeth attached to her side! They get pretty aggressive and she already has some new bite marks, the day after giving birth. She has started to eat again so I guess she's okay. The two baby rays are now in their own tank so they're safe.
That is so cool, I had 2 lacetips Ray with 4 indo dats and a HBRTG in a 200G and was hoping its big enough for the ray to breed :).