My soon to be done 600gal

Theo I think J&L has them I know the owner of West Coast Koi uses two that are 3' high for his circular 600 gallon in his living room. He likes those filters alot, usually you use them in pairs so you can alternate cleaning them.
Do you think they would be better than a sump? I have corner overflows in my tank, was planning to install a sump. Do you think my corner overflows could work with this system? I will go by J&L for sure to learn more, thanks. :)
Corner overflows would work, but I am still a fan of the sump, because you can hide heaters ect, and more options with media, and sumps are great for oxygenating water. I have a fx 5 which runs out of sump. Seems to work fine. But again I have 8 Koi in my tank, there is alot of waste...dirty dirty fish
Do you think they would be better than a sump? I have corner overflows in my tank, was planning to install a sump. Do you think my corner overflows could work with this system? I will go by J&L for sure to learn more, thanks. :)

Theo I have my overflow running into the sump then passing though my canister and back up to the tank.
You just saw one with the micron filter there is another one underneath the tank for charcoal and ammonia remover. I'll try to post some picks sometimes soon.
Theo I guess you are getting new ideas about how you want your filtration to be now right.
Theo just look it up at they sell it there.
Another alternative is to google Nu-clear canister. Its cheaper than the one that i have in my system.
While in Thailand last year, I bought a bunch of Japanese mat, filter foam, Mr.Aqua bio media, and bio-balls. I had planned on setting up a 65 gallon (or larger) sump underneath the 535. I still think I will go that route, but I want to ensure that my filtration system is efficient enough for me to keep rays too. I also want to create a system that does not require a lot of upkeep. :)