Arrow, Thanks, nice of you to notice and resurrect my "low back" I'm very happy with him and it has not been easy with all the stunning cross backs and super reds seen here weekly.
1goodcatch, Thanks, he gets fed from that corner, the power head and filter exausts are there too. He is a non stop cruiser, looping the tank and doing figure eights.
Snow, he's lucky he's so calm and easy going, plus a good eater (usually), otherwise I would have given in to temptation by now.
He's just come off a one month hunger strike/drama. Dec. 7th I introduced an 8.5" albino adonis pleco to his tank, wanted to make sure he was well fed, just in case, and let him pig out on all the talapia he could eat.
He then turned his nose up at his regular diet of hikari food sticks, cichlid gold, and massivore.
Into week three he started turning into a bully, for the first time. Theres five 6-7" king kong parrots that are on their best behavior now at the lower levels of the tank 24/7.
He certainly got my attention for a while there, and I'm releived he's back on track.