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Please note we ship stingrays, piranhas, snakeheads etc only if legal in your state, country.

Prices are in CANADIAN $
Cichlids species common from size $ QTY each
Apistogramma alacrina redspots Guejavare md "$ 4.50" 6 @ "$ 4.00"
Apistogramma species new fringed dorsal Rio Jutai lg "$ 30.00" 6 @ "$ 26.00"
Astronotus occelatus wild oscar Caqueta 4”+ "$ 55.00" 4 @ "$ 50.00"
Astronotus occelatus wild oscar Amazonas PAIR "$ 300.00"
Biotodoma wavrini green cupido Inirida xl "$ 22.00" 5 @ "$ 18.00"
Caquetaia umbrifera green umbie Atrato 12” "$ 400.00"
Cichla occelaris Real Occelaris Brokopondo 4”+ "$ 90.00" 6 @ "$ 80.00"
Cichla piquiti blue bass Araguaia 3” "$ 125.00" 5 @ "$ 100.00"
Cichlasoma atromaculatum Yellow Atrato xl "$ 120.00" 4 @ "$ 100.00"
Congochromis sabinae redfin Nano Congo lg "$ 19.00" 6 @ "$ 16.00"
Congochromis dimidiatus green head Congo md "$ 16.00" 6 @ "$ 13.00"
Crenicichla cametana black pike Tocantins ml "$ 300.00" 3 @ "$ 275.00"
Crenicichla stocki roundhead pike Tocantins sm "$ 90.00" 2 @ "$ 85.00"
Crenicichla johanna red streak pike Tocantins lg "$ 275.00" 4 @ "$ 250.00"
Crenicichla cf.lugubris red Orinoco 6”+ "$ 55.00" 6 @ "$ 45.00"
Crenicichla species teardrop Atabapo 8” "$ 95.00"
Geophagus abalios surinamensoid Orinoco md "$ 12.00" 6 @ "$ 10.00"
Geophagus gottwaldi surinamensoid Orinoco xl "$ 120.00" 6 @ "$ 90.00"
Heros species Red Severum Atabapo lg "$ 45.00" 6 @ "$ 40.00"
Hoplarchus psittacus parrot cichlid blue Meta xl "$ 90.00" 6 @ "$ 75.00"
Konia eisentrauti Konia Barombi lg "$ 45.00" 6 @ "$ 40.00"
Laetacara curviceps island Laeta Marajo md "$ 5.00" 10 @ "$ 4.00"
Lamprologus cf.tigripictilis slender river lamp Congo lg "$ 18.00" 6 @ "$ 15.00"
Myaka myaka pelagic cichlid Barombi ml "$ 45.00" 6 @ "$ 40.00"
Nanochromis consortus could also be splendens Congo lg "$ 24.00" 6 @ "$ 22.00"
Nanochromis splendens dorsal spot Mbandaka lg "$ 35.00" 6 @ "$ 30.00"
Pelmatochromis occelifer? Mai Ndombe cichlid Congo md "$ 30.00" 6 @ "$ 25.00"
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Calabar Red Nigeria lg "$ 12.00" 6 @ "$ 10.00"
Pelvicachromis sp.nov. Calabar Purple Nigeria lg "$ 12.00" 6 @ "$ 10.00"
Satanoperca mapiritensis Mapirito Eartheater Lower Orinoco xl "$ 70.00" 6 @ "$ 65.00"
Steatocranus sp.nov. big head buffalo Mbandaka ml "$ 15.00" 6 @ "$ 13.00"
Symphysodon tarzoo red spotted green discus new location ml "$ 175.00" 6 @ "$ 150.00"
Symphysodon tarzoo red spotted green discus new location md "$ 90.00" 7 @ "$ 75.00"
Teleogramma brichardi black hopping cichlid Les Rapides ml "$ 22.00" 6 @ "$ 18.00"
Teleogramma depressum depressed hopping Les Rapides ml "$ 35.00" 6 @ "$ 30.00"
AMAZON BELOW WATER see "$ 100.00"
EXOTIC DISCUS of the World "$ 25.00"
Baryancistrus niveatus L 26 -nugget Tocatins 4”+ "$ 150.00" 3 @ "$ 125.00"
Leporacanthicus species new black Lepor Orinoco 4”+ "$ 60.00"
Ancistrus cf.ranunculus flat one Orinoco 3” "$ 35.00" 6 @ "$ 29.00"
Baryancistrus beggini L 239 - blue Orinoco 3” "$ 32.00" 6 @ "$ 25.00"
Panaque nigrolineatus royal pleco Meta 12” "$ 250.00"
Panaque cf.nigrolineatus spotted royal pleco Guaviare 12” "$ 250.00"
Auchenoglanis occidentalis Giraffe cat Congo 2=3” "$ 25.00" 4 @ "$ 20.00"
Brachyplatystoma vaillanti black metal catfish Brokopondo 14” "$ 450.00" 3 @ "$ 400.00"
Brachyplatystoma vaillanti black metal catfish Brokopondo 18” "$ 650.00"
Chiloglanis species blind white Chilo Congo ml "$ 150.00" 3 @ "$ 140.00"
Corydoras melanistus real one Suriname md "$ 9.00" 6 @ "$ 7.00"
Corydoras oiapoqensis Oyapock cory Oyapock ml "$ 30.00" 6 @ "$ 25.00"
Corydoras species new saddle spot Vaupes xl "$ 45.00" 6 @ "$ 40.00"
Corydoras species new “Green Lantern” Vaupes ml "$ 60.00" 6 @ "$ 50.00"
Liodomadoras oncinus jaguar cat Putomayo 4”+ "$ 28.00" 6 @ "$ 25.00"
Notoglanidium pallidum naked flathead cat Congo 2” "$ 60.00" 4 @ "$ 50.00"
Oxydoras niger black armored cat Napo 6”+ "$ 75.00" 6 @ "$ 70.00"
Pimelodus ornatus saddle pim Putomayo 4”+ "$ 28.00" 6 @ "$ 25.00"
Synodontis pardalis jaguar, first time import Congo lg "$ 240.00" 4 @ "$ 200.00"
Synodontis brichardi zebra Congo lg "$ 25.00" 4 @ "$ 22.00"
Synodontis longirostris giant Syno Congo lg "$ 150.00" 4 @ "$ 125.00"
Synodontis longirostris giant Syno Congo xxl "$ 350.00" 3 @ "$ 300.00"
Synodontis clarias red tail Syndo Niger River 3” "$ 24.00" 6 @ "$ 20.00"
Synodontis batensoda feather cat NIger River lg "$ 15.00" 6 @ "$ 12.00"
Synodontis nigriventris UD cat Congo ml "$ 6.00" 10 @ "$ 5.00"
Synodontis flavitaeniatus gold line Congo sm "$ 15.00" 6 @ "$ 13.00"
Synodontis decorus decor cat, wild not crossed Congo md "$ 28.00" 6 @ "$ 24.00"
Tatia reticulata giraffe pattern Guama smd "$ 15.00" 6 @ "$ 12.00"
Tetranematichys taeniatus racing stripe cat Napo lg "$ 35.00"
Tetras & Barbs
Alestopetersius brichardi red super Congo tetra Mbandaka md "$ 22.00" 10 @ "$ 19.00"
Bathiaethiops caudimaculatus redline superscale tetra Congo ml "$ 16.00" 10 @ "$ 14.00"
Bryconaethiops microstoma threadfin tetra Congo xl "$ 60.00" 6 @ "$ 50.00"
Carnegiella strigatus marble hatchet Colombia md "$ 2.00" 20 @ "$ 1.75"
Gymnocorymbus bondi 007 tetra Choco sm "$ 5.00" 10 @ "$ 4.00"
Hyphessobrycon metae black belly tetra Meta md "$ 2.00" 20 @ "$ 1.75"
Hyphessobrycon ehrostigma bleeding heart Napo xl "$ 6.00" 10 @ "$ 5.00"
Nannostomus mortenthaleri red pencil Tigre lg "$ 12.00" 10 @ "$ 9.00"
Nematobrycon lacortei rainbow tetra Choco md "$ 4.00" 20 @ "$ 3.50"
Neolebias multilineatus african pencil Congo md "$ 6.00" 10 @ "$ 5.50"
Paracheirodon axelrodi cardinal tetra Inrida lg "$ 1.25" 100 @ "$ 1.00"
Piranhas & Myleus
Brycon species Super silver racer Xingu md $30.00 6 @ $25.00
Leporinus agassizi kissing mouth Leporinus Tocantins md $35.00 6 @ $30.00
Metynnis cf.lippencottianus new humeral spot Mato Grosso 4” Stock 4 $80.00 6 @ $70.00
Metynnis fasciatus real one Tocantins sm $120.00 2 @ $100.00
Mylelops rubripinnis red hook Orinoco 6”+ Stock 10 $120.00 6 @ $100.00
Mylesinus paucisquamatus new hook - monster pacu Curupeta 3” Stock 1 $95.00
Mylossoma duriventre giant Mylo Meta sm $18.00 6 @ $15.00
Pristobrycon striolatus real one Napo sm $35.00 10 @ $30.00
Pristobrycon spilopleura ruby red Araguaia md $120.00 4 @ $110.00
Pygocentrus piraya giant piraya Sao Francisco 2”+ $120.00 6 @ $100.00
Serrasalmus sanchezi red chest piranha Amazonas md, stock 4 $40.00 8 @ $37.00
Serrasalmus rhombeus diamond black piranha Amazonas md Stock 8 $25.00 8 @ $22.00
Other Predators, larger Oddballs
Caecomastacembelus crassus blind white high body eel Congo 4”+ "$ 95.00" 3 @ "$ 85.00"
Caecomastacembelus brichardi blind spiney eel Congo 3” "$ 95.00" 3 @ "$ 85.00"
Campylomormyrus cassaicus long nose elephant Congo 4”+ "$ 17.00" 6 @ "$ 14.00"
Gnathonemus tamandua yellow elephant nose Congo 3” "$ 17.00" 6 @ "$ 14.00"
Orthosternarchus tamandua deep water white knifefish Amazonas 8-10” "$ 225.00" 4 @ "$ 195.00"
Parachanna obscura African Snakehead Malebo 3”+ "$ 40.00" 6 @ "$ 35.00"
Paratrygon aiereba apple ray Amazonas 8” "$ 300.00"
Polypterus weeksi xanthic !!! (like albino) Congo 8” "$ 1,200.00"
Potamotrygon leopoldi Black Diamond ray Xingu stock 1m2f "$ 3,250.00" 3 @ "$ 3,000.00"
Potamotrygon henlei spotted black ray Tocantins $ 1100 4 @ $950
Potamotrygon species gold dust Ventuari 1 f "$ 450.00"
Potamotrygon motoro spotted ray Amazonas Peru 6” "$ 105.00" 2 @ "$ 85.00"
Potamotrygon schroederi flower ray Orinoco 18” "$ 170.00" 2 @ "$ 150.00"
Protopterus aethiopicus network lungfish Congo 6”+ "$ 105.00"
Tetraodon mbu mbu puffer Congo 6”+ "$ 150.00" 3 @ "$ 120.00"
Tetraodon mbu mbu puffer Congo XL "$ 350.00
Small Oddballs, Killies
Aphyosemion aff.celiae Mabanda killie Cameroon lg "$ 8.00" 6 @ "$ 6.00"
Bathygobius soporator freshwater goby Cameroon lg "$ 10.00" 6 @ "$ 8.00"
Betta cf.edithae Pearl Spot Betta Palankaraya lg "$ 15.00" 6 @ "$ 12.00"
Betta fusca Green Face betta Wild lg "$ 15.00" 6 @ "$ 12.00"
Betta pugnax green mask Betta Wild lg "$ 13.00" 6 @ "$ 11.00"
Betta smaragdina Pink Pearl Betta Wild lg "$ 10.00" 6 @ "$ 8.00"
Ctenopoma occelatum black bushfish Malebo lg "$ 10.00" 6 @ "$ 9.00"
Malpulutta kretseri purple paradise Sri Lanka md "$ 60.00" 6 @ "$ 50.00"
Microctenopoma nanum dwarf bushfish Malebo md "$ 18.00" 6 @ "$ 15.00"
Microctenopoma ansorgii orange bushfish Malebo md "$ 8.00" 6 @ "$ 7.00"
Parosphromenus ornaticauda red flash gourami Indonesia sm "$ 15.00" 6 @ "$ 14.00"
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