New Order - June 2011 arrival

Thanks Darren! You were one of the first out-of-BC Dragonfish customers back in 2007, so I appreciate the repeat business and trust. I look forward to seeing photos of your fish, and wish you all the luck on your comm set up. I also hope the NAN light made it to you okay?
amazing size and price i must say!!! maju did a great job packing this guy. came in perfect! color is very nice for a newly acclimated fish. after a 2-3 weeks of settling down, he will look even better! lucky owner!
wow that big red is awsome!! shoulda grabbed him too lol..

the nan light looks ok i havint tried it yet lol bt nothing looks broken
My red and banjar red are now eating pellets and cut up prawn which is good. I'm liking my banjar red especially. Did not expect for it to come in with some golden speckles on the forehead and 5th level shine. First asian arowana I've seen with golden speckles on the forehead besides a goldenhead xb. It's still only at 6" so who knows what it will develop into when it get to 18". I like my SR too. Gonna expect to turn out a chilli red and it got a nice spoony head already. Just what I wanted for a chilli red.

As for the blood red. Looks very nice!!! I like blood reds with bullet headsl as well. That will be my next order on upcoming order.
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I look forward to seeing photos of your fish Earl, especially the "gold head" banjar. I've been told by aro farm owners that GH mutations can occur with almost any species of aros, from RTG to XB; I'd be surprised to see it happen with a banjar, but then a mutation is a mutation.

For old time sake I am posting a couple photos from the arrival of the fish at the airport. The fish in the bag is your SR Earl.

One of our fourm members set up a 9 SR com tank out of this order, would love to see some photos of that set up... :)


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Theo, here is a photo from the iphone. Pretty sure they will look much better after an 8 foot tank is setup... :)


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Here are my new aros. Sorry for crappy pics. Taken by iPhone 4. I placed them in a white tank for the banjar red to develop higher shine as it's already on the 5th level

Chili Red with slight spoon head.




Banjar Red. True banjar red this time. Last time I got a yellowtail. Wish I did not sell that yellowtail as I'm looking for one again. This Banjar red got some golden speckles on the forehead. Hard to see from the side view shots. 5th level shine.


here are a few shots of my 4 i got.. loving ever single one of them! need to add a few more tho lol



and my fav red has a lil hump and spoon head!!!
Great to see everyone's photos. Since I trans-ship most fish, I only get to see them for a micro-second at the airport if at all; I'm glad to see everyone is happy with their fish and they all look good. There are a quite a few more fish out there from this order, but I am not sure if the purchasers are on this forum or not. I look forward to seeing how all these fish develop over time. :)