New Stocklist for January


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Please note we ship stingrays, piranhas, snakeheads etc only if legal in your state, country.

Prices are in US$, sorry, with the weak C$ we can no longer pin prices in C$, convert at +6%.
Cichlids species common from size US$ QTY each
Apistogramma alacrina red spot Rio Meta md "$ 6.00" 6 @ "$ 5.00"
Apistogramma species new red face Yawasyacu lg "$ 14.00" 6 @ "$ 13.00"
Apistogramma species new fringed dorsal Rio Jutai lg "$ 30.00" 6 @ "$ 26.00"
Aequidens coeruleopunctatus blue mojarra Meta ml "$ 10.00" 6 @ "$ 8.00"
Crenicichla cincta green monster pike Solimoes 6†"$ 75.00" 5 @ "$ 65.00"
Crenicichla species Orange pike, Xingu 1 Xingu xl "$ 180.00" 6 @ "$ 150.00"
Crenicichla species Red teardrop pike Atabapo ml "$ 35.00" 6 @ "$ 30.00"
Crenicichla multispinosa jewel spots pike F-Guyana md "$ 250.00" 6 @ "$ 225.00"
Crenicichla lenticulata small spots Atabapo "7"" "$ 90.00" 5 @ "$ 85.00"
Crenicichla saxatalis real one Brokopondo 5†"$ 100.00" 5 @ "$ 90.00"
Cichla monoculus gold peacock bass Amazonas 6â€+ "$ 55.00" 6 @ "$ 45.00"
Cichlasoma atromaculatum yellow Atrato Atrato md "$ 100.00" 2 @ "$ 90.00"
Cichlasoma cf.ornatum rainbow cichlid Atrato sm "$ 85.00" 6 @ "$ 75.00"
Cichlasoma cf.ornatum rainbow cichlid Atrato sm "$ 120.00" 2 @ "$ 105.00"
Geophagus brokopondo first time imported Brokopondo md "$ 60.00" 6 @ "$ 50.00"
Geophagus dicrozoster black chin eartheater Orinoco sm "$ 7.50" 10 @ "$ 5.00"
Heros species Rotkeil Severum Nanay lg "$ 60.00" 6 @ "$ 50.00"
Heros species Red Severum Atabapo lg "$ 45.00" 6 @ "$ 40.00"
Heros species Blue line severum Apure xl "$ 100.00" only 2
Hoplarchus psittacus green parrot cichlid Apure md "$ 35.00" 6 @ "$ 30.00"
Caquetaia umbrifera blue umbie Colombia ml "$ 115.00" 6 @ "$ 95.00"
Uaru fernandezyepezi panda Uaru Atabapo md "$ 50.00" 6 @ "$ 45.00"
Symphysodon tarzoo green discus Caqueta xl "$ 75.00" 8 @ "$ 70.00"
Satanoperca daemon eartheater Orinoco xl "$ 75.00" 8 @ "$ 70.00"
Book Exotic Discus of the World see website "$ 32.00"
Hypancistrus zebra L 46 - zebra pleco F1 (Tank raised) ml "$ 170.00" 8 @ "$ 145.00"
Hypancistrus zebra L 46 - zebra pleco F1 (Tank raised) smd 10 zebras for "$ 1,100.00"
Hypancistrus inspector L 201 - white spots Orinoco ml "$ 20.00" 8 @ "$ 16.00"
Baryancistrus demantoides L 200 - green hifin Orinoco md "$ 24.00" 8 @ "$ 20.00"
Baryancistrus beggini L 239 - blue pleco Orinoco md "$ 24.00" 8 @ "$ 20.00"
Hemiancistrus species L 128 - blue Orinoco xl "$ 60.00" 6 @ "$ 50.00"
Peckoltia species L 243 - cream stripes Orinoco ml "$ 20.00" 8 @ "$ 16.00"
Leporacanthicus triactis L 91 - signal Orinoco lg "$ 55.00" 6 @ "$ 50.00"
Leporacanthicus galaxias L 240 - vampire Orinoco xl "$ 75.00" 6 @ "$ 70.00"
Panaque cf.nigrolineatus L 190 - Royal Pleco Apure 8†"$ 100.00" 6 @ "$ 80.00"
Panaque cf.nigrolineatus L 191 - Royal Pleco Putomayo 24†"$ 1,400.00"
Pseudacanthicus species L 25 - demon pleco Xingu 7-8†"$ 600.00" 2 @ "$ 550.00"
Pseudlithoxus tigris L 257 - pancake tiger Orinoco md "$ 35.00" 6 @ "$ 30.00"
Pterogoplichthys gibbiceps honeycomb pleco Amazonas 3†"$ 15.00" 6 @ "$ 12.00"
Hypancistrus species L 173 - vertical zebra Xingu ml "$ 375.00"
Hypancistrus species L 174 - spotted zebra Xingu ml "$ 175.00"
Ancistrus cuctcutae L 150 - common bristlenose Caqueta sm "$ 6.00" 6 @ "$ 5.00"
Panaque suttonorum Blue Eye Pleco Colombia lg "$ 800.00" 4 @ "$ 700.00"
Entemocorus gameroi bee cat Meta ml "$ 8.00" 3 @ "$ 7.00"
Corydoras axelrodi lined cory Napo md "$ 4.00" 10 @ "$ 3.25"
Corydoras melini bandit cory Meta md "$ 4.00" 10 @ "$ 3.25"
Corydoras eques black blotch cory Meta md "$ 4.00" 10 @ "$ 3.25"
Liosomadoras oncinus Jaguar cat Negro xl "$ 44.00" 4 @ "$ 38.00"
Liosomadoras morrowi Jaguar cat Napo ml "$ 16.00" 4 @ "$ 14.00"
Megalodoras irwini Mega cat Amazonas 8†"$ 200.00" 2 @ "$ 175.00"
Tetras & Barbs & Killies & Livebearers
Crenuchus spilurus sailfin tetra Napo lg "$ 5.00" 10 @ "$ 4.50"
Copella vilmae new red splasher, very nice! Must see new tetra! lg "$ 15.00" 10 @ "$ 13.00"
Hyphessobrycon metae black belly tetra Meta md "$ 2.00" 20 @ "$ 1.75"
Nanostomus mortenthaleri red pencil fish Tigre lg "$ 12.00" 10 @ "$ 9.50"
Nematobrycon lacortei rainbow tetra Choco md "$ 4.00" 20 @ "$ 3.50"
Poeciliocharax weitzmani jewel tetra Inrida md "$ 2.00" 20 @ "$ 1.75"
Paracheirodon axelrodi cardinal tetra Inrida lg "$ 1.25" 100 @ "$ 1.00"
Tyttocharax spec. new blue tetra Yawasyacu md "$ 4.00" 10 @ "$ 3.50"
Piranhas & Myleus
Myleus rubripinnis red hook Orinoco md "$ 25.00" 4 @ "$ 20.00"
Serrasalmus elongatus trout piranha Amazonas 4†$100.00 4 @ $90.00
Hoplias curupira black wolffish Orinoco 10†$200.00 4 @ $175.00
Hoplias aimara giant wolf fish, amber morph Guyanas 20†$1,800.00 2 @ $1,500.00
Hoplias aimara giant wolf fish, amber morph Guyanas 12†$1,100.00 2 @ $900.00
Hoplias aimara giant wolf fish, amber morph Guyanas 6-7†$700.00 2 @ $500.00
Hoplias malabaricus regular wolf fish Orinoco ml "$ 22.00" 4 @ "$ 18.00"
Leporinus fasciatus red fin Lepor Suriname 8-9†"$ 30.00"
Other Predators, larger Oddballs
Potamotrygon leopoldi “Special†IN STOCK SEE BLOG BLACK DIAMOND lg ask for list Shipped from Germany
Potamotrygon leopoldi “Special†IN STOCK SEE BLOG BLACK DIAMOND sm "$ 2,200.00" in stock
Potamotrygon schroederi flower stingray Orinoco md "$ 350.00" 2 @ "$ 300.00"
Potamotrygon cf.motoro marbled motoro Ventuari md "$ 250.00" 2 @ "$ 200.00"
Potamotrygon boesemani new emperor stingray Saramacca lg "$ 1,800.00" 3 @ "$ 1,500.00"
Potamotrygon boesemani new emperor stingray Saramacca lg "$ 1,500.00" 3 @ "$ 1,200.00"
Osteoglossum ferrerai black arrowana Atabapo 6†"$ 150.00" 4 @ "$ 125.00"
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Ghost Platinum arrowana Amazonas 6†"$ 1,500.00"
Apteronotus leptorhynchus brown ghost Amazonas ml "$ 12.00" 10 @ "$ 10.00"
Channa barca Blue Dragon Snakehead Mated Pair! Price for pair "$ 7,500.00"
Polypterus palmas giant bichir Guinea "8"" "$ 55.00" 2 @ "$ 45.00"
Small Oddballs, Killies, Plants
Macrobranchium dwarf species new blue zebra prawn Nanay md "$ 7.50" 20 @ "$ 6.50"
Micropoecilia species orange lightning Orinoco lg "$ 30.00" 6 @ "$ 24.00"
Dry Goods
Magic Almond leaves keep small fish healthy see website great for small fish "$ 2.50" 5 @ "$ 10.00"
Activated Carbon highest quality carbon treats 1 lb/40 gall 55 lbs "$ 274.00" 3 @ "$ 255.00"
Activated Carbon highest quality carbon treats 1 lb/40 gall 10 lbs "$ 65.00" 3 @ "$ 60.00"
Chloradsorb Water Conditioner treats 1000 gallon md "$ 40.00" 3 @ "$ 38.00"
Chloradsorb Water Conditioner treats 8000 gallon lg "$ 130.00" 3 @ "$ 110.00"
Metal Gone Resin (for softwater fish breeding) treats 1 lb/40 gall 5 lbs "$ 65.00" 3 @ "$ 60.00"
Metal Gone Resin (for softwater fish breeding) treats 1 lb/40 gall 55 lbs "$ 550.00" 3 @ "$ 520.00"
Brine Shrimp Flake HIgh quality 1 lb "$ 16.00" 3 @ "$ 40.00"
Mysis Freeze Dried great for large fish! 1 lb "$ 19.00" 3 @ "$ 50.00"
You are receiving this mail as part of our bi-monthly mailing list. To opt out and be removed from any further mailing please*email *back with REMOVE in the header.
You know, what this price list really needs is a link from each fish listed to a photo of that kind of fish. Although it would be somewhat labour intensive to get set up, once done you could just rotate the links/photos as needed.

I am sure I speak for a lot of hobbyists when I say I do not know what many of the species on your list look like.

I wonder if past customers would be able to help out with provision of photos to you?
Maybe it is just me, but I just google the name of the fish in Oliver's list and I get a picture.... If it the fish appeals to me, then I will proceed to contact Oliver.