Not eating? my Jardini is Not eating?


New Member

Help? my Jardini has not been eating for 3 to 4 days. The last she ate was a meal worm. She stays on bottom of the tank and hardly comes to the surface.
What suggest do you guys have out there?
Its normal to experience arowana not eating. There are a lot of theory on why aro do that but not anything specific can be proven. Check your water condition and see if anything is out of balance. Either its lost its appetite due to sickness or due to its normal aro behaviour.
100% water issues....
Water change with aged water, or add confitioning, don't feed for few days.....

Give more info on your tank/filtration, and cleaning feeding schedule.
Well as for a Jar not eating it is not normal at all. I know with Asian Aro's it seems to be normal but it's not normal as well.

You have to check the water perams and make sure all is at par. Check the temp and try and add some more air to the water. Aro's dont sit at the bottom unless there is a problem.

How big is the fish and how old? What (if any) kind of tank mates is it in with? How often do you do water changes? Is the fish under any stress at the moment besides the fact that it is not eating and has become a bottom dweller?

When you say the last thing it ate was a meal worm is that it's main diet? if so do you gut load the worms? You should be doing this to make suer the fish gets a balanced diet. Meal worms alone is not enough as a staple. They are not nutritious enough.

Since you live in Thornhill go to the bait shop on number 7 just east of keele and pick up some dew worms. Give it a try and see if it likes them. Most fish go crazy for them and they are nutrious enough for a human to survive off them for life. They are the best food for fish and make them colour up like you cant believe.

I think the fish will be fine just do a water change and try and figure out what is bothering it.

Godd luck and ask more questions should some arise:)
water change is approx 30% . I have 75 gallon tank, with a gelco and alligator gar in the tank. I have using a clear PVC divider, so my Jardini is on it's own. I have eheim 2215 filer and Fluval interal filter. I have been using tap water treatment prior water changes. The temperature is 79 degree C.
I have tried feeder, she ate only one. The rest was eaten by the gar. I am just very worry the jardini is on a hungery strike?? I water is very clear and no food residual left behind.
I will try krill or dew worms? What is the bait shop's name? do you mean Hwy#7 and Keele?
Thanks in Advance!
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What clear, don't mean water is good...
Test for ammonia, nitrite.
As mentioned above, I have yet to see a Jardini sitting on bottom.
It is the bait shop just east of keele on #7 it is in the plaza where reptile corner is. I dont know the name but I buy worms from there.

The tank is too small. That fish needs the whole 75 so it can swim and grow properly. That Gator Gar is going to grow 10x faster than the Jar and it will need a huge tank in no time. Gator Gars are one of the worst fish to own. Take it from me I am stuck with 2 that are 20'' or so and make all the other fish in the tank cower. I bought them at 2-3'' about 8 months ago. I had to remove fish from the tank because they would not eat because of them. The Gars would bite the other fish when I fed them so they wre scared to go up to the surface and eat.

How big is the Jar and how big is the Gar? were they kept together without the divider until now? I really think the Gar is having a negetive affect on the Jar.
PH affect aro appetite quite a lot.. if you ph is low that could be a main reason for no appetite.

sitting on bottom = stress.. what happened/ any changes to tank or room?

also dont worry if your aro doesnt eat for a while, they can go *months* without food.
Thanks guys, Yes, the alligator gar is 16" and the Jardini is 13". I put the divider so they will not fight. Yes, I agree the Jardini aro needs the room. I guess, I have donate or give away the alligator gar fish? Gar fish eats- shrimp, and so far the aro ate only one meal worm and one feeder fish... since it got home. ( I had these fishs for 2 weeks now.. and the Jardini has not settled in yet)

It has been a week now, the Jardini sits on the bottom, yes= stress. But, still not sure what is causing this problem.

Please see if anybody interested in an Alligator Gar Fish? FREE.....

Also, I forgot to mention, when I brought the Jardini home, during transfer aro ajumped nd it lost 3 scales. Maybe, it still recovering for the fall?
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ahhh its new to your tank!!!
thats why its stressed, completely new enviroment!

also.. if you've had it 2 weeks.. thats about the time you get a spike in bad water from tank cycle.. was your tank already cycled before you put fish in???
What do you mean by cats? A real cat not a catfish?

I bet the fall has a lot to do with it. The lack of space, the gar, and the water.

Do a water test see if the perams are off. If they are buy some prime and add it to the tank. You should also look into some stability made by seachem as well. It is great stuff for new and old tanks.

You have a 16'' gator gar in a 75 that is split WOW your going to end up with a bent in half Gar soon. At that size it could also break your tank.

I will see if my buddy want it. I really think it's going to be hard to get rid of even being free. I tried to give mine away for free to the pro bass shop they said no way LOL

I got lucky that a guy from AP told his friend about them he is coming to grab them this week I hope. maybe he will take yours as well I will ask. It is free for sure?
What do you mean by cats? A real cat not a catfish?

I bet the fall has a lot to do with it. The lack of space, the gar, and the water.

Do a water test see if the perams are off. If they are buy some prime and add it to the tank. You should also look into some stability made by seachem as well. It is great stuff for new and old tanks.

You have a 16'' gator gar in a 75 that is split WOW your going to end up with a bent in half Gar soon. At that size it could also break your tank.

I will see if my buddy want it. I really think it's going to be hard to get rid of even being free. I tried to give mine away for free to the pro bass shop they said no way LOL

I got lucky that a guy from AP told his friend about them he is coming to grab them this week I hope. maybe he will take yours as well I will ask. It is free for sure?

Look at the pics in the kijiji ad!
yes, I checked the water quantity for ammonia, nitrate and ph. and the reading is 6.5 and the water is crystal clear. Should I do water change 25%-30% at the end of the week?
Also, I tried the earth worm .... from the bait shop on Hwy 7 and Keele.... so far no luck!

I think the Jardini aro is just on a hungry strike.... I am thinking about getting an RTG aro instead...... to replace this poor pet .
The plain truth.... I want a RTG aro... and not a Jardini aro.. and the gar fish can go too.. (FREE). I will try to get rid of it..... but at it more 14"-15".
Let me know if anybody wants the alligator gar?