Panda Marble Blue XB

James Sananikone

New Member
Update my Marble Blue X-Back from July 17th 2008, 6" in July 2008, around 12" now. Sorry for my poor photographer skill. That baby had a Hole in the head after two weeks with me, His head is about 70% recovered now. Good or bad comment welcome... My only comment is this baby brought me lucks since he is with me... what can I ask for more :)


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a hole in the head???? explain more please geez sound scary, and ya u cant ask for anything more that bro.
I just copy and paste this from (AROWANA DORTOR) for your information... good reading

This unique syndrome affects asian arowanas more than their australian and south american counterparts. It is also more common in younger arowanas. The head of the fish starts to swell, followed by a layer peeling off from the skin, starting from the front of the head and moving backwards. Activated carbon is believed to be the cause, due to its close association with the syndrome. It is thought that activated carbon removes vital elements in the water, hence it disallows head tissue to form normally. It is also believed that microscopic carbon particles deposited in the fish head irritate the fish. Healing usually begins within days after carbon is removed. Zeolite products could cause a similar problem too, but less severe and less common. Large arowanas are less sensitive to Head rot Syndrome.
Large water changes and good biological filtration is all one needs. It's been years since I've used activated carbon.

Glad to see he's recovering nicely.
Your fish has HITH or HLLD not this made up syndrome. Read about them to get the right info to treat the fish.
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Your fish has HITH or HLLD not this made up syndrome. Read about them to get the right info to treat the fish.

I would just like to clear up I am not saying this syndrome is 100% bull crap. I just think it is very far fetched. What "Hard Facts" do they have to go on? Were are all the studies posted? Who is the one who came to this conclusion?

I also say it is bull because I have seen read and know people who use crabon all the time with these same fish. I dont get why theirs dont develope this as well. Many users here use carbon with no such problem. I really think that info is smack.

What have you done to treat the fish?
Did yu have carbon is large ammounts in the tank?
If it was just a skin condition caused by a substance in the water then it woud of healed by now. It has been around 6+ months.
This also makes me think the fish has HITH or HLLD. The looks of it and the way it just kept growing is all signs or HITH/HLLD. The ammount of time it is taking to heal.
What do you feed it? What are the water perams?
How long did it take to get that big ( the hole )?

Regardless it looks like HITH. You said it is 70% healed how big was the sore or hole?
Hi James - thanks for posting the photos of your fish! Too bad about the hole in the head problem. I once had something similar but treated the fish with an antibiotic to fight the heximita protazoa.

In my case I was lucky and the fish made a full recovery. I also did more frequent water changes and paid careful attention to cleaning the filter more often.

There seems to be a lot of debate about what causes hole-in-the-head.

I am trying to remember back to when you got your fish James. For some reason I remember there being some Koi in the tank at first? I could be mistaken as I might be thinking of another fellow who has a BBXB. :confused:

I will give you a call in the near future. I'd love to see your BBXB in person. :)
Hi James - thanks for posting the photos of your fish! Too bad about the hole in the head problem. I once had something similar but treated the fish with an antibiotic to fight the heximita protazoa.

In my case I was lucky and the fish made a full recovery. I also did more frequent water changes and paid careful attention to cleaning the filter more often.

There seems to be a lot of debate about what causes hole-in-the-head.

I am trying to remember back to when you got your fish James. For some reason I remember there being some Koi in the tank at first? I could be mistaken as I might be thinking of another fellow who has a BBXB. :confused:

I will give you a call in the near future. I'd love to see your BBXB in person. :)

Koi wont cause this. Only the poor water caused by them. Then it is the owners JOB to do the proper water changes.

I dont know about this debate over HITH or HLLD. There are many reasons with facts out there explaining why. The 2 major reasons being poor diet and poor water conditions.

Does your fish have scars? If no then you are very very lucky.

These holes dont heal the parasites most of the time die off with treatment leaving the ugly behind. I am not saying it will stay as big as it is now or wont even be gone but 90% of the time it is too late and they are marked for life.
Hi Theo, Jackson ... I don't know what the exact cause. Yes Theo I used to have a few koi in that tank and it might have parasites that didn't affected the koi but it harm the aro, other than that, my water at that time was in perfect condition. It started to feel better when I added aquarium salt and increased temperature to 30 degree as advised by Theo... I thought the scars will be permanent but not at all, It just took time to heal. Within next two months his head should be completely heal without scars. You are more than welcome to come to see the fish in person, just let me know when you are coming.
That is one golden fish. I wish my RTG had half as much shine as that! Very nice fish (even if it is recovering from HITH). Your water must be very good for your aro to have so much color.
Thanks carcrazy, honestly, I didn't expect much from the fish, my wish is he brings me luck and make my life and my business prosperious... the rest I just trust Panda's reputation. I am sure you will be happy with you RTG when he is completely grown, just like him the way he is, don't need to compare to a XB or a SR.
Yes, Jackson I am happy too...

Hi , AROPUNK ! Thanks ... by the way Welcome to Canada. Let's share what you have with all brothers here.

Cheer !
Hi James,how have you been and too bad i hear this about your aro.Good thing it is recovering very well.The brother of your aro is thesame size i think i should post some pics if i have the time.What have you been feeding your aro lately james?

Yes, he is doing better now... His colour amazes me, his blue base shows more now.
I saw pictures of your PEE-WEE , he looks great. You must be very proud of him.

He has been on MP for few months now.