Panda RTG from summer order


New Member
I promised pics AGES ago, but had no decent camera to take pics with. I did however, get a DSLR for christmas, and although I'm terrible at taking pics with it, I've come up with two pics which I think are good enough for posting. That's two of 5 GB worth of photos that I now have of my fish.

I now have photo sessions daily with my fish and I'm learning a lot about lighting and how to highlight different qualities of my fish.

These aren't the best photo's I've taken; however they show off the qualities I most want shown, as it's VERY hard to get the jewels and blue shine to show in a camera. At least seemingly so at 6 or so inches.

Anyway, without further adieu;


  • Pookaro1.jpg
    77.8 KB · Views: 711
  • jewels.jpg
    92.2 KB · Views: 719
Looking good! I love the barbells!

Also you FF, when it was young it had less tail stripes right, and as it matured it grew more?
Nice fishies, did the FF gets injured to the head by flying into something? I have a friend who has a FF with the same injury. I guess FFs are really over-excited fishes...