panda sr


panda sr from this past group order.

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thank you. does this red have potential? around 6 inches. never grew one out to adult. any tips, please advise!
thank you. does this red have potential? around 6 inches. never grew one out to adult. any tips, please advise!

To be honest with you, I am like a drunk guy at a bar, my standards are very low...

Seriously, I never bought an Aro at that size before, so I am not that good at recognizing "good potential". Sure everybody want a Champion Aro, but at the end of the day, it is still a pet. Nobody is gonna give you a prize for it, except for a few good comments on forums... Just enjoy it and take care of it, just like you would do for any other pets, and if it develops well then that is just the bonus.

May I suggest you change your background to the darkest one possible, he is still young so just give him the best chances possible.
I noticed that blue background is the "classic" colour used in Indonesia for SR set ups; I wonder whether black brings out the colour more?

Also, I was told to be careful with K leaves, but am very curious about them. I noticed that some dealers/farms used them while others did not. I'd love to hear of anyone's experiences in using the leaves.
thx for the comments! anyways, blue will stay on because its already painted on! so we will see about the outcome later on. i hope the red will turn out nice. ill do my best! as far as keeping him, hes already eating pellets constantly. prawn will be fed but kept to a moderation.
Nice red bro,hope he will be as you stated when you first held him while he was in the bag "I hope you become champion one day". See i can still remember mike :P
haha yea. hopefully he will turn out nice! ill love my aros no matter what. but you know, a champion would be nice to own! just like anything in this world, you always want the best!! lol.