Pbass with arowana


New Member
I was wondering if anyone has had any bad experiences keeping pbass with arowana in the same tank. My two pbass are around 10" and they sometimes fight with each other when the lights first go out (mouth locking and mock biting of sides). They get quite active sometimes circling each other and disturb the other occupants. This may have spooked my RTG that was in there and he may have run into something in a panic. The tank is 72 x 33 x 31h.

I am trying to decide whether it is worth the risk to try another aro with the pbass.
you should get more then 2 pbass to go with aro otherwise its fight like you mention and aro get scare from it. At least 5 pbass I would say.
Not to mention stick with the small ones, Cichla Intermedia, the others will grow too large, especially the Temensis.
If I get 3 more in there that size, the tank will look full without the aro (it would look pretty cool though). I know my pbass will grow really big eventually but they look so nice I don't want to get rid of them. I guess I may get a few more and set it up as a pbass community tank.

Either way, if the pbass stay then I guess I won't risk another aro. Thanks for the input guys, it is much appreciated!
If I get 3 more in there that size, the tank will look full without the aro (it would look pretty cool though). I know my pbass will grow really big eventually but they look so nice I don't want to get rid of them. I guess I may get a few more and set it up as a pbass community tank.

Either way, if the pbass stay then I guess I won't risk another aro. Thanks for the input guys, it is much appreciated!

Only 2 Cichlas will kill each other, you need at least 6-10 of them to avoid individual aggression ...and a larger tank once they mature.
I kept 2 tem's from 2" to 18" in growth with my Green and the only problem i ever had was the marks left of the bass from aro bite marks.....Every time the bass started to fight the aro decided it was his job to get in the middle of it to stop the fight. I eventually sold them to a buddy who had them spawn in his pond a week later..