Pellet diet only


New Member
I know variety diet is the best for any aros. The people in my household condemns me from getting live foods such as worms,roaches,etc

Lucky me, My baby aro eats pellets.

Now how will the aro will look and be if they grow up only being fed pellets?
Like color of body, health, lifespan, etc
It will probably look just like it would if it were fed a variety of foods. That's essentially what pellets are... a variety of ingredients combined to make one staple food.

I have one arowana that has seldom seen anything other than pellets and eats them voraciously. I'm talking smash the glass at every feeding.

I have another arowana who will refuse pellets and go on long hunger strikes every time he gets a food that isn't pellets.

I think if your arowana eats pellets then leave it be. Don't let him know there are alternatives because it can be tough to train him back to pellets in the future. That's my experience.
Very beautiful fish! Yea what pellets you feed. My 5incher is already eating hikari floating sticks and sinking massivour pellets.

Any other brands that u guys may recommend?
This guy eats mostly Hikari. The odd time he'll grab a wafer as it floats down to the ray but mainly Hikari.
I guess a strict pellet diet is good after all. So much cleaner and less chances of parasites

But heres the thing, i had two friends that bought their aros roughtly around same time as each other.

First aro only wanted to eat live so owner has been feeding him superworms majority of time amd occasional market shrimp. His aro grew like a beast. So fat and BIG

Second aro only been fed pellets. Its not as big or have the thick girth as first aro.
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Superworms are great but they are a PITA. I tried it for one summer. Fish probably looked his best ever but they are a pain. I would freeze them until they stopped moving and inject Boyd's Vitachem into them and then feed them to the aro. He looked great and tank never got messy. When I went to work, however, my wife hated feeding the fish.If you buy them in bulk you have to change their substrate, if you buy small quantities they are expensive and sometimes the supplier runs out....all in all not worth it for me. If you are the only one who feeds the fish, and home all the time, it might work for you,but it didn't suit my lifestyle. Here is a pic from the superworm era:


Notice how thick the rim color at the 5th and 6th level compared to previous picture. Could be diet or could be lighting? I changed the lighting as the 10000k was leaving too much algae.
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Years ago me and another forum member bought 5,000 super worms at once, gut loaded them on carrots, then froze them. I raised an HBRTG for a year on the diet and it grew really well and showed great colours.

I have been to farms in SEAsia where superworms are gutloaded on Hikari koi food, and then fed to the aros as a staple diet. Another forum member in the UK (T1karmann) was using gut loaded superworms for his aros when I visited him in 2008.

One farm I visited in Indonesia was using superworms as their staple, but many of their fish had protruding anus. I asked around at the time and most people (serious aro keepers/retailers/farmers) told me that is a risk with superworms.

Nic at Dreamfish cautioned me against using superworms, especially with smaller fish, due to the digestion issues (related to protruding anus). Ever since then I have tried not to use them, or at most use them as an occasional treat.