Pleco with Aro???

I don't keep plecos in my aro tank due to my bichirs...
But I have seen many plecos in aro tanks that worked successfully, just be sure to keep it well fed, i have seen plecos at an unnamed LFS that was literally swimming beside an arowana sucking on its slime coat (much like a remora on a shark)
I would like to have an arowana and a very cool pleco together- are any kinds of pleco suitable or are some more suited for an aro? also I might have a PNT as well.
I would personally go for a larger growing species.

A large adonis is an impressive sight
That works too, you just want to make sure it won't end up as lunch when the aro gets larger... a pleco with spines all over its body doesn't go down too easy
a zebra would hide all day long and would possibly been a snack down the road seeing as they usually don't exceed 4". Not to mention that they are currently going to rediculous prices. I've been seeing groups of 15 fry go for $6000+ on aquabid.

I'm guessing you would want something that be out abit more. I'd look into a nice royal.
yes i do like the looks of the royals and their price is good too. I havnt seen any blue eyed plecos around lately. are they available in toronto?
You'll be hard pressed to find blue eyes anymore. From what I hear the ones you will see in the hobby have been in the hobby for many years already. There was a rumor that there was a toxic spill in the river where blue eyes are found thus wiping them out in huge numbers. Anyways they've gone from being horribly common to being one of the most rare species to find. When my mom was into fish keeping in the 70-80s you could find them for the same price as a common gibby. Those were the days.
Large- and not shy. Thats about my only 2 requirments. I've got lots of
different types of plecos, they are one of my big 'things'. I keep a 16"
sailfin with my arro, no probs at all. The big guy holds his own very well.
An arro will pick on any new arrival in the tank, regardless of size, until
they at least figure out what they can get away with. A smaller fish, even
a pleco will be hunted even if they aren't likely to be eaten. A big one
is going to make its prescence known in a hurry. Arro are smart, they
figure things out pretty fast. If its shy, it will stress out, even if the
arro doesnt eat it because he will still peck at it. I would put a large
pleco in with a flowerhorn as well, but no way would I try it with a
small one. Even if they cant eat it, some fish just like the hunt/kill part-
arros do as well, to some extent.
I dont see any problems with it. You just have to keep wood in the tank for the Royal to eat. This is a must

I would look for a L-95 aka orange cheek pleco. They are really good looking fish and have soft mouths so they wont rasp other fish.

As for the blue eyes they are not wipped out just illegal to export like Rays and other pleco's.

The Adonis is not a goo dchoice they are super aggressive unless you get lucky and end up with a calm one.

Bushy noses are fine but they might not be big enough for a full grown Aro.
just fine a nice royal....i used to have like 10 tiny ones myself until i sold them all......i cant bear to see such nice plecos in w/ my jar....he'll eat anything......
Any pleco will not work. You have to make sure it is not an aggressive pleco that will and can cause lots of damage to other fish. You also have to think about the requirements of the pleco. Some eat meat some eat veggies and some need wood to survive. All these details can play a huge part on what you feel is a great choice for your tank and the fish you are keeping in it.