Possibly going to BC in May-June.. Need some help.


Hey Guys,

It looks like my plans to go on a surf trip down south might be a bust (waited on people to confirm and then flights went through the roof). So I was searching out some other trips to go on, and found some very cheap flights to BC.

So I was thinking I could go there and spend a little while near the coast, close to somewhere I could surf. However I know staying in a surf hostel would be very expensive (like $40 a night). I was wondering if anyone on here lives, or knows someone who lives near the coast, on Vancouver island. If yes, I was wondering if those people would be willing to let me set up a tent in their back yard, or something, for a little while. In exchange I would help out with yard work or cleaning fish tanks.

If not, maybe you guys on the West coast can suggest some keep places to stay... maybe a camp ground or something.


I know the Tofino area very well; just south of there is Chesterman's beach; that is considered to be one of the best surf places around the island. I recommend you stay at the Green Point camp ground in the federal Pacific Rim National Park, about a 5-10 minute drive south of Chesterman's; this will be your cheapest accomadation short of camping on the beach (which is kind of frowned upon these days :) ) There is also some decent surfing at Green Point, but some really dangerous rocks and rip tides too. You might want to phone up the Pacific Rim National Park reservation service , it fills super fast. They "say" you are not allowed to camp there overnight before May 1, but many people do. Hitching from Green Point to Chesterman's is doable, single lane traffic on the north/south highway. I would recommend leaving your board with one of the local surf shops. A wet suit is a must.

This area is absolutely stunning. You are likely to see lots of sea lions, eagles, possibly a grey whale or two, and black bears.

Best of luck with the trip, shoot me a pm to discuss further if you wish.
Thanks Theo. That's great info. I was worried about where to surf and I figured I might spend a couple days hiking/camping up the coast. Finding the hidden points and coves. However now I have some more specific leads on where to go.

I wear a wetsuit year round here anyways, our water is quite a bit colder than yours, it's some of the coldest on the planet. If I can convince a friend to join me I might drive up which would give a lot more mobility.

Thanks again,

My pleasure to share tips Justin. :)

Another option to consider is buying a beater car/van in Vancouver for around $1000; 60 day insurance another $300-500; use the vehicle for a couple months then sell it for what you paid (or sometimes even more); if you get a van, it can prove handy for camping if we get a wet summer. I have had more than one group of overseas visitors use that approach when passing through.