"Pure Blood" RTG


New Member
I searched for this pic for almost 20 mins so I thought it deserves a thread :D. This japanese collector searched for this aro for 9 years :eek:
It's not the pic that I saw a few years ago but I believe it is the same fish.

I think main characteristics of being a classic (X-back and RTG) is the bullet head shape. The spoon head aros were developed by selective and crosbreeding.
I know that picture

that guy has such a wicked living room aro community tank...

that aro is a nice example of "bronze" rtg, which I believe is indication of pure rtg genetics, however this rtg is also high back..

is that pure rtg?

I don't think so
I don't think I can consider this a hiback. RTG shine goes higher as they old and this is a very old aro to have only completed 4th level. She might have a few specs on the 5th but that's not even clearing 10%. Normal RTG's nowadays would have atleast a shine at 50% of 5th level at age 3 and above. I would consider a hi-back if they clear 5th at that age. I sure wouldn't be happy paying for a hi-back price and get only that kind of level of shine at 3 years! Would you? (we're just talking of shine level here not intensity cause I certainly would pay a hi-back price for an aro with that intensity) What would be your definition of classic rtg then (interms of level of shine)? 3.5 level shine?
but then again light exposure also determines the level of shine. Aros in ponds exposed to much sunlight will have a harder time to increse the level of shine.