Looking having a 220 gallon planted tank with one RTG, and probably some bichirs. The plants will be Java Fern/Moss, and anubias. Any tankmates that I can keep with the aro, that won't destroy the plants?
I think you'd be ok with the plants you quoted as they have low tech requirements and are very hardy. Many people have attached the plants to driftwood /w aro; I like the look of a baretank with a piece of driftwood with plants attached. On the other hand, tank maintenance with large fish in the tank is always interesting. I'm sure some other members can attest to that.
Can't really think of any tankmates that are large enough and dont occupy surface level that would do well with plants...has anyone had experiences with Dats and planted tanks?
Thanks for the link. I won't be running Co2. I will probably only have java fern, and various anubias glued to the wood. I will post pics after I find new homes for my cichlids, build my lights, and build my sump.