

New Member
HELLLLOOO i just realized one of my arow's scales is puffy, i mean like some of the scales is not tight to the body does anyone know what iam talking about? iam not good at describing it, anyone had that problem? and any solutions?
thank you
Whoa, that sounds like serious water quality issue. When was the last time you did a water change? Do what Nathan says and make sure the temp is around 86-88 F too. You need to do some serous "preventive action" here to try and make sure this does not develop into something serious.

The only time I had a fish develop a condition like what you describe, it later developed into dropsy; it was due to my keeping a 15 inch RTG at my dad's for a long time; the water did not get changed, the filter did not get changed, and the uneaten food did not get removed. My dad just didn't know how to care for aros. :(

Good luck with it. Take some photos of the fish if you can and post them.
agree with the above 2 post, sounds like dopsey, a lfs, i see one of his fish has it, all the top scales are lifting up.
thank you guys ill do it 2morrow, i change my water regularly onces a week, 20 to 25% all the time and i have 5 arows total but only 1 is having problems, i would need my friend to come over and help me take pictures cause he has a very nice camera and i don't know how to use those high tech stuff lol so you know what to do no names lol
Is it only one scale? Perhaps he injured himself and is losing a scale. Is it actually raised or is it lifted up from one edge. My aro used lose a scale once in a while but it always grew back alright. It wouldn't hurt to follow the advice above, though. Water changes are always good.
K thanks for all your advises , but is not 1 scales is like a few anyways got the salt already, gonna do it after work today thanks again guys
Not sure if 25% weekly is enough for a tank with 5 aros. How big is the tank and how big are the aros? They must produce a lot of waste, I'd increase the water changes as well, or add some more filtration.
tank is 220g i have 2 filters arows r about 10 inch
iam moving in nov so i guess i get a bigger tank but thanks for advices i'll change more often like twices a week good enough>
coming right over to take that picture... hmmm, november is when i need a new tank... funny huh...

I think you are feeding your fishes way too much.
Sounds like it's a dropsy, that's pretty serious. Hopefully it's not in the worse stage yet and can still be cured. I've read a lot of aros just go down hill from this sickness. HOw long has it been since you notice those pop up scales?