Show Quality Super Red


Arowana blogger
This fish is under one year of age, currently between 30-35 cm.

Someone is going to pretty happy with this fish I think... :)
no tell tail signs of red light being used on that tank that i can see

i'd be very happy seeing that in my tank :)
Has been guaranteed that there are no NAN or red lights used, only camera flash or normal flourescent tubes.
This fish is under one year of age, currently between 30-35 cm.

YouTube - CV Maju Super Red - Show Quality Fish

Someone is going to pretty happy with this fish I think... :)


I think the same fish is in my tank right now !

He's one of the best Red that I have seen for sure

He's a Chilli Red and has everything to be the Show Fish.

Nice bullet head, Big red lips, full red face with big body and thin rims !.

He needs more natural sunlight to bring out the colour.

I'm putting him on the tanning program right now,






100% exposed to the sun.


Under intense sunlight all day, that's what you get, but it's fading out in the evening, I wonder how to keep that intencity for longer time.


I'm really hope the colour intencity stays.

Enjoy !
You have the fish James. :) Such a full and colourful gill plate!

I recommend contacting Jeffrey, the CV Maju owner's son in Jakarta about how best to groom this fish to its maximum potential. I will send off the email of introduction for you and cc' it to you.

This was the best fish I ever imported James. I look forward to seeing how it does under your care.
Yea hes a really nice fish. James, Hopefully your friend can update us with his progress. A very calm aro to catch as well. Personable fish, nice colour... What else can you ask for lol. One drawback is his aggreaaive attitude toward tankmates. He blinded the ct i sold Gary, also which is in your tank now lol.
Yea hes a really nice fish. James, Hopefully your friend can update us with his progress. A very calm aro to catch as well. Personable fish, nice colour... What else can you ask for lol. One drawback is his aggreaaive attitude toward tankmates. He blinded the ct i sold Gary, also which is in your tank now lol.

Adding a BD pair from Mike into the tank !


The Red is watching !


Perfect symmetry spots !


Start to settle after two days inside the tank with the red.

Very promissing pair, Thanks Mike and Gary !

They will be transfered to my XB tank later.

Just Leopoldis James! P13s. Not black diamond but they have nice pattern. I just helped you and Gary setup the fish trade lol. We have to thank Howard on this forum as he is the breeder and Lucky Aquarium for sending the fish to Vancouver. =)
Just Leopoldis James! P13s. Not black diamond but they have nice pattern. I just helped you and Gary setup the fish trade lol. We have to thank Howard on this forum as he is the breeder and Lucky Aquarium for sending the fish to Vancouver. =)

Thanks Mike for the correction, my mind was probably thinking of the BD when I typed.

What I like about the leo is their big white spots, not too many not too fancy ! but strong personnality ...:)
What I like is the cross Canada cooperation this forum can help foster. It is great when hobbyists and businesses are able to create win-win situations where everyone comes out ahead. Kudos to Lucky Aquaium and Mike (Exoticaquaria).