Shrimp diet for affecting color?


Super Moderator
I normally feed my 3 motoros (7-10") a diet of mainly nightcrawlers and supplement with raw shrimp. Now that its the cold season here getting shrimp is pretty difficult. So I've switched to mainly raw shrimp. It now seems to me that the spots are getting brighter than they did when I was feeding mainly worms. Anyways they are starting to look great. Maybe they are all just maturing. I dunno

Has anyone ever noticed a color change in their rays before when switching diets around?


Tim :)
i heard feeding prawns bring out the fish colours

by the way i just got a motoro today around 6inches when did u started feeding them shrimps?
For the prawns to help with color developement, the shell has to remain on. Thats where the caratine comes from, which helps your fish turn red.
i just started to see a difference in color but they are still young, about 6" so im not sure if its just a growing phase or if its actually making a difference
food vastly increases the difference in colour the better the food the beter the colour its pretty simple well and the caratine amounts
I feed with the shell off. They won't accept the shell

by the way i just got a motoro today around 6inches when did u started feeding them shrimps?

I made sure mine were fairly established after feeding loads of worms to put size on and make sure they were healthy, then starved them for a few days and they took nearly right away.
sounds like you are doing great with them post some pics they will only eat sell of when they get some since since they need the strength and mouths that are big enough to swallow them, worms are readily accepted by pretty much all stingrays no matter what sise. depending on the size depends on what type of worm to feed of course, they are a great way to get large rays because all the protein in them.
I'll borrow a camera soon and get updated pics up shortly. I'll be transfering my male to another tank which will allow for a nice photo shoot. Right now he out competes the girls for food and is growing faster which isn't to good for breeding purposes so he gets his own big tank for awhile. Plus I may introduce a smaller male