Siamese Tiger activity


New Member
I noticed that my STs started swimming around the tank more when I introduced an Oscar into the tank. I've heard that having other tank mates that swim around the tank help the Dats be more comfy in the open spaces of the tank. Anybody have the same experiances?
I got the same experience as yours, except I got bichirs in the tank. When I remove my bichirs in a big tank my ST started to hide right next to the powerhead.
I think it all depends on each fish. I have one big ST that does not like any other fish with it. Alone it acts like all the others in your face and aggressive. As soon as I put any other fish with it they are in trouble. It hides until they come close and then attacks them.

Do you have a true ST or are they Datnoids? Does not make a big difference unless we are talking NGT's.
I think it all depends on each fish. I have one big ST that does not like any other fish with it. Alone it acts like all the others in your face and aggressive. As soon as I put any other fish with it they are in trouble. It hides until they come close and then attacks them.

Do you have a true ST or are they Datnoids? Does not make a big difference unless we are talking NGT's.

I bought them all together , however I think 2 are Wide Bar and the others not so widebar lol
hey where's AZA and nature west. info please

Nature west is at point clair plaza when you exit at st. john on the highway 40 west
AZA is at southshore when you exit at taschereau road on highway 15 south, then turn right. I will say it is the first small shopping mall at your right hand side when you pass reno depot.
I think it is all about the environment they are in. If they feel safe they will be out no matter what size they are.
I think it is all about the environment they are in. If they feel safe they will be out no matter what size they are.

True. And even when they are bigger, they still will hide. I am talking about my Indos as I never had a real ST...:(
True. And even when they are bigger, they still will hide. I am talking about my Indos as I never had a real ST...:(

When I talk about Dat's I talk about all as one:D

The only thing I have noticed that is different between all 4 types I keep is the NGT's are the most aggressive towards other NGT's or not and they are really hard to get off live foods.
This is a pic of my Dats when I got em a couple months ago.

they will all be IT.

my ST's were always the most active, my IT are quite active too, my NTT is recovering from a beating so is a little subdued at present but will become active again i am sure, my NGT is quite active but does hide as it is the smallest of the group, my silver hides apart from when its dark or there is food around.