Siamese Tiger activity

Hi Guys,

I purchased 3 Dats about 2 weeks ago, between 1.5 and 2". 2 of them where hidding all the time!

Then I purchased another 3 a couple of days ago, (3" approx) and instantly all my old ones came out of their hidding places and started swimming around. None of the 6 hide anymore. Eventually one or two might hide but just for a few moments and come out after.
MananaP good luck on trying to convince Rulaifu to do that.
Just like what i said in the other post just ask him for his left over. They are still quality aro and mates to everyone elses eyes. He buys quality aros and chose just the best on for himself and sell the rest at cost.
MananaP good luck on trying to convince Rulaifu to do that.
Just like what i said in the other post just ask him for his left over. They are still quality aro and mates to everyone elses eyes. He buys quality aros and chose just the best on for himself and sell the rest at cost.

Tsk tsk :confused:
i've had ST and IT for years now...always found that they are not big swimmers....whether it was in my old 180 or now in the tigers only seem to like to swim when i'm near the tank or when they are getting territorial with each other.....they prefer the corners or stationing themselves againest driftwood or rocks.....i've always thought that in the wild they are ambush predators and camoflauge themselves to a dark colour to hunt and blend in....thats why in many tanks they are "unstable" but i've seen mine change from all dark colours to very light or even orangey in colour....