Sick KKP


One of my six king kong parrots left eye litterly popped out. This afternoon I noticed he paled a bit, his eyes where ok, checked the others and they all looked good.
This evening while taking pictures of my new albino adonis I noticed the pale parrots eye really popped just a matter of 3-4 hours.
New experience for me, the rest of the parrots, arow and plecos look a 100% and are eatting well.
Tried taking a picture but the bugger scoots away and hides. Am going to do a water change now, should I add salt or ?
Pics added

Managed to take a picture during the water change.


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If it popped out that quickly maybe he banged it on something if not he has Popeye . It's usually brought on by a water quality or gram positive bacterial issue. In saltwater if any fish come in and develop it I treat them with chemiclean which is erythromycin a gram positive antibiotic with some gram negative. I've never had to treat any freshwater fish before so if you use it just make sure non of the fish would have any sensitivities( I don't think there is though ).