New Member
So thinking of starting my group 5 or 6 (small 6 to 8 inch) I would like to start off from the get go in my 420 gallon as the only other tank i have ready is a 55 and that wont cut it for 5 arowanas. problem is i have 4 stingrays 15 to 10 inch disk right now they are in with about 20 discus and about once a month a discus gets mangled by a ray discus will be sold to make room for the group but there is a big diffrince between a 50 $ discus and a 1000 $ arowana.
im just wondering if when the aros are small are the prone to hang out where the rays could get on top of them has anyone ever keeped a small arowana with a bigger ray ?
im just wondering if when the aros are small are the prone to hang out where the rays could get on top of them has anyone ever keeped a small arowana with a bigger ray ?