Starting a COMMs display


Not sure if anyone has provided any tips but I'll share my experiences.
- the first steps obviously are to obtain multiple fish minimum 3 and ideally 4 or more
- first keep them separated with dividers where they can still see each other
- maintain this arrangement for a minumum of 4 weeks
- take the dividers down and watch their behaviour
- there will certainly be fin nipping, caudal and pectoral fins will be ripped but watch that there is no one fish that lunges at the others
- after 36 hours verify that no one fish is hiding at the bottom corner or at the top corner, remove immediately if this is the case
- one may even have one or two missing scales but don't be alarmed, just make sure there is no excessive cuts on the head
- after 3 days the fins should be almost completely healed
- they may not eat the first day but on the second day they should be eating
- during feeding make sure they all compete for the food, if one consistently backs off or is overtaken by the others remove the fish
- if fin nipping continues after the fourth day put the dividers up again for about 3 weeks then try again.

If anyone is interested in a pre-assembled COMM of RTG's, or SR's send me a PM