Sump question


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am deciding whether to get a sump or two canisters for my 180 gal freshwater tank. Anyone know if the aqueon sump will work well in my case? Should I get the biggest sump model they have? Thanks for any help/advice!
I believe its the same as the all glass megaflow sump? I had a model 4 for a 210 gal and it worked well. Kept my water clean but I did have a fx5 filter as well for polishing. Im assuming you are also keeping big fish?
Thanks for the input! Yes I will be keeping an arowana and possibly some other big fish later. I heard sump requires more routine cleaning (like once every 2 days) whereas fx5 only require cleaning once a month. Is that the case?
A well running sump requires much less cleaning than a cannister filter. Once your bacteria colonies are established, you will not need to really "clean" the sump (as in stop the sump, remove the filter media and rinse it in fish tank water and/or replace some of the media) more than once a year or even two years; the variables are the size of sump, size of tank, kin of filter media used, stocking level of tank, and amount of food entering the tank.

You may want to either clean or rinse out the very top filter layer of the sump once every week or two in order to help "polish" the water; it is the top layer of filter floss and Japanese mat that is the initial filter and that catches most of the larger particles of fish waste.
Thanks guys! Is one model 4 proflex sump good enough to support filtration for the whole tank if I only have one arowana, possibly 3-5 red parrots and one stingray?

Also, where can I get a model 4 proflex sump? Fx5 is so easy to find but I can hardly find any store that carries aqueon proflex on their web page... Only found one store so far that carries proflex sump.
Thanks guys! Is one model 4 proflex sump good enough to support filtration for the whole tank if I only have one arowana, possibly 3-5 red parrots and one stingray?

Also, where can I get a model 4 proflex sump? Fx5 is so easy to find but I can hardly find any store that carries aqueon proflex on their web page... Only found one store so far that carries proflex sump.

Have you considered buying a used tank and drilling it then plumbing it? It will be more cost effective and with the money you save, you can go out and get some media. That's what I did for my 180; ended up using a 75 gal sump and like Theo mentioned, it is super low maintenance.

You can find a lot of your sumps you're looking for at e-tailers such as J&L and pets and ponds; run a google search and voila!

Also have you drilled your main tank? Have you filled up the water in the tank yet?
