Super Red Arowana- Difficult to Raise?


New Member
hey guys,

I was reading on the internet, they say the Super Red Asian Arowana is most difficult to raise? is the reason the colour takes a long time to mature and bloom into a full body red?
Any comments is appreciate! I am thinking getting this colour?
I don't think they are more "difficult" than XBs. They require more patience though. So if you are an impatient guy like me, you could qualify them as harder. But health-wise I think they are just as hardy as the XBs or RTGs.
i have a super red at the moment its much more aggressive than my xbacks to tell the truth its smaller than the xback but it pushes them into a corner like a sheep dog

its still small 12inch but im just not happy with its color to tell the truth its no better than a banjar red so im swapping it on monday for a orange red that already has great color but slight PLJ i like color more :D
My Blood Red was really pale also when I first got him at around 12''. But suddenly recently, at around 13'', it started to show some colors...

T1 you are the prefect example of why Reds require more patience :D
I have 3 reds currently and they are all very hardy. As for the color and grooming I think that is a little bit of a challenge. But if everyone could do it how fun would that be. In my opinion that is what is soo great about keeping reds. How they will turn out for you when their color arrives. If your red turns out good most all people keep them and if the red turns out less than expected then they want to get rid of them at the soonest moment. If you want to keep a red just be patient. If not very patient then keep a gold and even better yet keep a RTG and have no concerns about crossing or color. I think that if you care for your aro, they in turn will show you their true colors.
I have 3 reds currently and they are all very hardy. As for the color and grooming I think that is a little bit of a challenge. But if everyone could do it how fun would that be. In my opinion that is what is soo great about keeping reds. How they will turn out for you when their color arrives. If your red turns out good most all people keep them and if the red turns out less than expected then they want to get rid of them at the soonest moment. If you want to keep a red just be patient. If not very patient then keep a gold and even better yet keep a RTG and have no concerns about crossing or color. I think that if you care for your aro, they in turn will show you their true colors.

Very well said. I am a bit too young to be superstitious, but I have noticed that each time one of my Reds turned more colorful, something good happened... I know that sounds a little bit corny.
the only reason i am moving this red on is the cert date is september 06 i would expect more from a red of this age :(

the other red in the com tank had much better color but most of them had PLJ but im going to have to live with that as the shop already has my money so its just a straight swap
Agreed with all said above... a lot of people expect so much from young reds, but forget that they require a lot of patience... some reds will progress at a consistent pace others look bland for a long time and then all the sudden turn red out of nowhere!
Definitely the most rewarding of fish to raise
my family been keeping reds for 6-7 years nowand i've notice that the bland ones that you just hate to look at. after 3 years it started to have more colors and once the color shows its became the nicest 1.
there are also pills that you can feed your aro after a year and it will show your aros final coloration for 2 weeks
the only reason i am moving this red on is the cert date is september 06 i would expect more from a red of this age :(

the other red in the com tank had much better color but most of them had PLJ but im going to have to live with that as the shop already has my money so its just a straight swap

Well, if the cert is sept.06 and the fish is only 12inch, plus it does not show color... Maybe trading him is a good idea. You should post some pics of the "ex" red and the one you are going to trade it for.
my family been keeping reds for 6-7 years nowand i've notice that the bland ones that you just hate to look at. after 3 years it started to have more colors and once the color shows its became the nicest 1.
there are also pills that you can feed your aro after a year and it will show your aros final coloration for 2 weeks

Those pills sound interesting... are they called NAN pills?
To tell you the truth, they sound a little bit scary... I rather not risk anything. Did you try them before?
nope but thats what they feed the aro b4 any special shows.
i dont use any chemicals on my tank... maybe cause i'm around chemicals all day and i dont think i'm gonna try the pills ever on my aros
We have 2 violet fusion reds that are over 30" and they are much more aggressive then the other types of asian aros I have kept. We have a 28" Rtg and its quite calm compared to the reds.
i think only Eken would get that joke, cause i'm a plant chemical retailer so i'm around chemicals all day.
but for removing chemicals i thought you were against that..... with the RO machine