all the gold head full helmet or what ever you want to call them just because you buy them like that their is no guarantee they will stay like that when put in a home tank 80% if not more of the xbacks for sale at a small size are placed in white fibre glass tanks to increase the shine levels
its a bit of a con really you buy a xback with real high shine levels then after say 6 months of being kept in a black backed tank the shine level has droped down to just better than a RTG it then takes a further 1-2yrs for the shine level to catch back up even then their is a chance the shine level will never be as good as when you 1st got the aro
i know many people in singapore who have paid good money for a goldhead only for it to dissapeir after a few months
just be very carful its easy to get ripped off with xbacks
As for the man made golden head, I personally don't agree even though there is such case.
I'd go with a xback myself.
Reds are nice, but I like gold more
get a tong yan the best of both worlds