Tetraodon MBU


Active Member
Last video of the mbu puffer before he goes to a new home. Love the colours! Pattern looks like a leopard. He just started to get really active as well.

Sad to see him gone but he killed 2 of my last albino pacus I was going to keep for myself. Also, he killed a zebra pleco while i left the bag inside the tank to keep the water warm while i get the shipping box ready. Chewed through the bag and crushed the zebras head lol. costly puffer!

Really? A mean mbu. That is surprising. Mine is scared of everything. Wouldn't TOUCH another tank mate
yea i went to work, came home and my albino pacus were missing. i guess thats my fault too since i thought the small pacus would be fast enough for the mbu. oh well lesson learned!