The aro scene in Singapore


Arowana blogger
Wow, what an amazing experience I am having! I spent most of today with Mr.Kan, tomorrow am booked as well. He is introducing me to pretty much all the owners of the big farms in Singapore. I am learning tons, so much in fact that my head is spinning! :)

I am going to have to be careful about exactly what I say from here on out since some stuff I am learning is in confidence and concerns...oh all sorts of things! ;)

Here are a few interesting facts passed on by Mr. Kan to me today.

First, tanning is controversial - some say its a gimmick, others swear by it.

Second, if you want a dark red SR, raise it in as much darkness and muted light as possible. More sunlight/brightness makes for a chilli red fish.

Finally, grading juvenile fish of high grade parent stock does not guarantee a perfect adult fish; you are just as well to go for another fish of good parent stock that does not display perfect "juvenile" colouration. Instead, focus on swimming posture, finnage, and overall health of juvenile fish when choosing.
These are just a few pieces of wisdom passed onto me by Mr. Kan today. Lots more, but it will have to wait! :)
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Yes Cirrus- Good to know one of the most respected people in the hobby agreeing with me on tanning, i remembered telling you it is a waste of time and not necessary for aros. Have a great time in Singapura.
I went to Dreamfish, Imperial, Max Koi Farm, and another couple farms today. Am still learning a lot.

I will likely be off line for the next while. I'll try and upload a few photos to share with you later today.

Lots of cool stuff to share with you, just need time to synthesize it first! :)

Oh - note - some big guys here SWEAR by Nan lights and tanning... :)
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Yeah, the next Aquarama is in 2009! :rolleyes:

In the photos below (from left to right) you can see Max, of Max Koi Farm (wearing grey); Nicholas of Dreamfish; a couple shots of Xbacks in the outdoor ponds at Panda. They are being conditioned to go in the breeding ponds soon.

Last photo is of Eric and Han; Han is in charge of the fish rooms at Panda. Eric is involved in marketing.

More photos from Imperial (etc. etc.) coming soon! :)


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    Han and Eric.JPG
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