The Winner of Super Red Class A - 40 cm up - Pasar Pagi Mangga Dua Competition


New Member
The Winner of Super Red Class A - 40 cm up - Pasar Pagi Mangga Dua - jakarta

quite hard to choose the winner. a lot of powerful reds inside.



Incredible fish! I have seen a lot of Champion Aros with a cloudy white film on their eyes, can someone confirm if this is from excess tanning?
later ask theo, he witness all the awesome fishes.

no other trick,,, they use TFC light only but no effect on my shot. because i use flash.

this is real super super red aro in the competition.
Those fish look even MORE incredible in person. I would not believe it if I had not seen with my own eyes...a red colour so strong and is truly fantastic to behold. Talk of blood red or chilli red does not do these fish justice. My Indonesian hosts referred to them all as Super Reds. And I think I will too, since they are indeed.

And yes, the price for such fish is very very high! :)
damn...... i have to see it with my own eyes to believe.
no offence hendri.

even if I go to SG or Malaysia, I wonder if I will be able to see those fishes cause I guess you dont see that in every store there. :-S I guess one has to go when there's a competition of some sort.