tilted aro?? and split tailfin


New Member
Just spent the usual 1/2 hr in front of my aro, and just noticed that it seems tilted on one side. He swims but is not centered. Also the tailfin is split in 2 places???What can I do to help him heal faster:( I already added salt and raised the temp to 77-78f, what else should I do.
tankmates? perhaps it is keeping it's eye on a tankmate below. if not, then my best guess would be a swim bladder problem.
Yeah I've got a couple of tankmates, mostly african cichlids. I've got come african feeders, and some frontosa's for the cleanup crew..

Oh and I forgot I've got some tunze 6045 powerheads in each corner
I don't think its SB. Could be it trying to avoid from light glaring from the top or another thing is the early sign of DE.
Its the lighting effect, my aro is the same, if the light comes from only one side it will be a bit tilted, turn off lights it swim normal, put 2 strip lights for 2 sides it will swim normal. Have you tried that? Now only if I turn on 1 light on 1 side it swims normal. Just takes time for the aro to get use to.