Want to build 8x3x3 aquarium


New Member
I'm thinking to build a fish tank in the basement around 500 gallon, I do a research and see some of the plywood aquarium and some concrete and use acrylic in the front. Any bro doing or see this project before?
I considered it when I was shopping for my 6x2.5x2 and compared prices of plywood tank and its more than having it build by a custom tank builder. If your gonna do it, make sure you have the right tools because cutting straight isn't that easy without the right saw.
I considered it when I was shopping for my 6x2.5x2 and compared prices of plywood tank and its more than having it build by a custom tank builder. If your gonna do it, make sure you have the right tools because cutting straight isn't that easy without the right saw.

Using the saw I have no problem cause I'm doing construction, all I worry is about the material that I use, like what kind a pain and how to protect from leaking and ....etc.
If any bro can help me out that be great.
i think you should just custom one by a pro. yaeh its cheaper to build 1, but there are other things that you have to consider while buiding a tank. Like is the fiber glass trong. is the concrete gonna decay and in the end its gonna be too much thinking and no action so just go with a glass custom is the best way i thing.
For plywood you need at least 3/4" thick ply I believe. Make sure when you do drill it goes right in the center and not cause the wood to split. You need resin to paint it with, google a resin called "sweet water". I think its $50 a can on some website. You'd need a few tubes of silicon H&B brand 100% at home depot. When painting the inside of the tank with resin, add a fiberglass mesh sheet on top as you paint as it provides extra strength. Add the silicon between the joints and corners and where the glass would be. I did all this research when I was considering to build one myself here: http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=30

Lots of DIY ideas. If you are into construction then its no problem but make sure you be very careful and take your time. You definitely need an extra pair of hands. Also use galvanized screws or brown deck screws as it wont' rust.

Your doing construction eh? I watch a lot of Holme's on Homes and I learn a lot. Is the construction industry really that scary? Mike Holmes is really struck a market of educating the public. When I am doing my reno this spring I'll be looking up his past contractors on his past shows.
Yeah actually I've went through that before. You need to ask yourself a few question before going for concret or plywood. Do you want to move your plywood in the future? Did you work out the cost of concrete vs plywood? Which is faster and if it matters to you? How many people can help you with plywood or concrete? You have to work out your preference in deciding which you want.
I think I go with plywood, cause they keep the heat more than concrete. But did you know what kind material that they cover on plywood for watertight? I know they use Marine epoxy resin, and some of them use fiberglass too. So I don't get it, I can build the tank now, but those material that they use for apply on the wood I can't find them yet. If someone can give me the answer that be great.