water change issue


New Member
why every time when i change my water my tank become cloudy for 2 days then clears up?
i do 25% water change each week and i use tap water with water conditioner, before was fine, but somehow recently (for the past few weeks) it always happen when i do a water change. anyone has any idea?
personally i dont like water conditioner... i think its a waste of money. an ro machine is the way to go and in the long run it actually saves on the $ you spend. water conditioner is just adding more products you dont know into your tank and as the water evaporates and only pure water evaporates then who knows whats left behind...so just spend like $300-400 on a good RO machine and you dont have to worry about chemicals in your tank......
lol conditioners are just fine. how many times has this happened n r there any effects to ur aro? if not then i wouldnt worry bout it. how big is ur tank n what filter system r u running?
use distilled water before a water change, this might work? use Seachem prime.... you will not get cloudy water from this products. yes, it rather expensive then using the RO machine but using this RO sometimes take all the chemical out of tape water. I believe you just have check and by trial and error. But as long as the water is correct for your aro, then you should not worry.
lol conditioners are just fine. how many times has this happened n r there any effects to ur aro? if not then i wouldnt worry bout it. how big is ur tank n what filter system r u running?

i'm from toronto, and this has happend 4-5 times already, but for the past 2 years this has never happened tho, just recently it start to happen, i use the same method to do my water change for the past 3 years, my tank is 125gal and i have 2 ehiem 2028 one sponge filter, actually it happened when i added the sponge filter, but it doesnt make sense for water to be cloudy, my aro and parrots are okie in fact my parrot become more red when it happen lol
i also use seachem prime with no problems

i dont see the point in a RO unit were it takes everything out of the water then you need to add minerals to it

i dont know many people who use RO water in their aro tank anywere
i also use seachem prime with no problems

i dont see the point in a RO unit were it takes everything out of the water then you need to add minerals to it

i dont know many people who use RO water in their aro tank anywere

How is Seachem Prime compared to Aqua-plus from Hagen ?
prime is alot more concentrated and actually works better at breaking the bonds down in chlorine and chloromins.

i've used it for a few years and won't use anything else. mind you i also have a bone to pick with hagen and its products so i may be biased
prime is alot more concentrated and actually works better at breaking the bonds down in chlorine and chloromins.

i've used it for a few years and won't use anything else. mind you i also have a bone to pick with hagen and its products so i may be biased

Oh really? May I ask why (don't tell me you fooled around with Mrs. Hagen...)
I have a 300 gallon resivoir, with a heater in it. Which I use for water changes, so my water is aged at least a week, and comes already at temp. No shock to arowana, so bigger water changes are ok. Its a good set up if you have the room for it.
aged water maybe better but if you are changeing 400g per week thats alot of water to age

i have no were to store all that water if i did i would have a bigger tank rather than water butts laying around

i have been doing water changes the way i do them for 15yrs never had a problem

the aros and other fish seam to like the temp drop as it simulates rain fail in the wild :D
I live in GTA, I have not problems with the water changes 25% each week. Try distilling the water for day or two. Maybe there is something you are not say about your tank, check if you not overfeeding, left over food, excess waste in the water. Check your filters.... check your flow rates so that the water circulates faster? Maybe you have leak rust developing in your hot water tank? Sometimes, the toronto water main is broken and it takes awhile for the city guy to fix it... thus leading to air in the waterline. ?????
the tap water is good hear in the UK and the cold water is not stored in a tank its direct from the pipe :D

i never use hot water from the tap as its stored in a tank and goes throw a boiler which means their may be cooper in that water

i would drink hot water from the tap so i dont think its good for the fish