water storage container must = Food Grade?


New Member
hello all, i have been keeping my water in a big Rubbermaid garbage container with wheels on it which I purchased from candian tire to age my water to do water changes for years and have not found any problems with my tanks. i recently read that ANY containers that you use for water storage/tranport MUST be 100% food grade - or you will be fighting worse issues for the life of the tank. Is this true? does anyone else use what i used for water storage?
i would like to hear some opinions or experiences on this issue. thanks
I was thinking of storing some water for water changes also. Not sure what type of container is the best. I am also interested to hear what others here use.
why age water still with water solution? woudlnt it be more convenient with just python? or am i missing something here? lol
why age the water, just use seachem prime... it is easier. I can't be brother to age the water. The aro is a hardy fish and can take the 25% water change.
I age my water in the grey garbage cans with the wheels too and all my aros seem fine so far.......
i use a pump to pump the water into the tank
all my past aros took 75% water change from tap no problem, so long as solution is added within 30 minutes or so. they breathe hard, but will be fine.
Sorry to ask silly questions but i dont know about this. So ........you use your python to take water out of the aquarium then use what kind of pump to pump the aged water from your container to your aquarium?:confused:
If you don't want to stress your aros. you'd better age the water. And yes, I use pump to bring the water in the container into the tank, which is much faster than your tab water.

their is no need to age the water

i just dump the old water from the tank then dose the whole tank with seachem prime then fill the tank from the tap/hose

i get a temp drop from 86 down to 78 with no problems as this drop would be no more than the fish would get in the wild over night or when it rains

i would say rays are more sensative to water than aros and my rays used to breed as the water was being added from the tap

i dont need big water butts laying around i would rather have a bigger tank than a water butt

if the water is good enought to drink its good enought for my fish

80gal water change with a gravel clean which i do at every water change takes me 45mins 20mins of which im just sitting down waiting for the tank to fill so 2hrs per week is all i spend on my tank
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i must admit my tank is on the 1st floor so i cant take water out fast without a pump buy throwing a hose over the stairs :D

gravity is a powerful thing :D
Just go with what ever you think is the fastest way for you and then you can have more time to admire your aros.
For me i like my RO water aged 20l water bottle for my weekly workout.
I have also used the rubber maid garbage containers (the grey ones with the black tops) for a couple years now for my reef tank and other fw tanks with no problem. I use a maxi-jet 1200 power head to pump the water into the tank (reef). I now use a python for the fw tanks, including the stingray/arro tank. I have had no problems so far and no more 5 gallon buckets to carry (used to be 45 buckets/week each way). I love my python and seachem prime. I still fill the garbage containers for emergency water changes and top ups.