WC Plecos for sale-L24, L273


WC L24

7" $125.00

WC L273 beautiful body colours

3" $100.00

LDA33 Snowball 3" $45.00

Eating and pooing well. Fed by NLS food.

Drop by and take a look if you are near my neighborhood (Markham- Warden Ave and Steeles Ave.) . Buy only if you are totally satisfied.

Not responsible for fish sickness or death after purchase. Recommend to use Seachem Paraguard to treat new fish. 500ml Paraguard $20.00.

Text me at (416) 9318289 if you are interested.

Tks for looking!
Last edited:
Updated list as of April 20

Nice pseudas:-
1. 4" + L97 $75.00
2. 4" + L160 $50.00
3. 8" L24 Beautiful specimen $175.00
4. 6" L273 Beautiful specimen $175.00

1. 4" L75 $30.00
2. 6" + L264 $80.00
3. 8" L14 Goldy Beautiful specimen $180.00
4. 4" Snowball Lda 33 Beautiful Black/White $45.00
5. 4" Gold Nuggets L81 $45.00