well im out of the aro game for now..


New Member
came home last night from a 12 hr shift to check up on my jardini and i seen it upside down.. floating in the tank.. and i was like.. " ......... " he was growing big and everything too he was fine.. the night before swimming around eating .. test the waters everything was fine.. like WTF i unno.. i feel like i never wanna have another fish or aro again
that really sucks man. don't let this experience deter you from owning another one of these fish again....
did you recently do a water change? what kind of tankmates are with the jar? possibility of something spooking it, and making it jump or hit glass at high speed?
Been down that road before.

Like frozen said, don't let it get you down. Once you find out what happened, another arowana will fill that void :)
I feel your pain..

Really sucks to lose an aro!!!

try not to get too down, I know its a painfull experience.

I have lost two aros over the years. It may sound silly, but both times I buried them under a nice tree. I just couldn't chuck them in a garbage can, didn't seem right...

Don't give up on the aro hobby. Anyone who is really a serious keeper has been where you are now. Its all part of the experience.
I get another aro if I were you. I've lost many aros from the past for many different reasons. I even left my 16 aros that I've kept for 8 years in Asia, because my parents was moving to Canada. If you read feng shui, "if your fish died it must be replace". Don't give on keeping aros. Aros are the best!