What bichirs do you own?

I have

P. E. Endlicheri x 2

P. Ornatipinis x 3

P. Tegeulsi x 1

2 of the ornates and the Tegeulsi are in a grow out tank for now. The tewgeulsi is about 8" and the small ornates just a bit smaller. I worry about my big Endli feasting on them, lol, so for the time being, they're in their own tank.
7 x Endli
1 x Angorgii

Personally, I find Endlis a lot nicer then most of the rest. Yet they are one of the cheapest...
I'd agree

I'd like to own one again. I made a bad trade years ago when I got rid of this guys

My bichirs list.
4x Polypterus Endlicheri Endlicheri (1 is "platinum")
3x Polypterus Bichir Lapradei (Nigeria)
3x Polypterus Ornatipinnis
2x Polypterus Delhezi
3x Polypterus Senegalus Senegalus (1 is "albino")

9x Ropefishes

More bichirs coming soon....
I'd agree

I'd like to own one again. I made a bad trade years ago when I got rid of this guys


Man he was a monster. How big was that thing?

I love Endlis too, the problem is that I love STs too. And 5 STs and 7 Endlis are way too much bioload for a 180 gallons... :(
Eken, Hows the Ansorgii doing? Thats also a sweet lower jaw bichir

The Ansorgii is doing really good. Pretty active and eating like a pig. But I still like the color contrast better on an Endli.

I read many times that Ansorgii max out at 11-12'', yet seen some pictures of monster Ansorgiis at around 24''. Hope mines get a bit bigger than 12''.

He was over 14". I never had a ruler up to him unfortunatly. He was in a petstores tank over a year and hardly ever moved. Unforunatly he did the same at my home. Even being in my indoor pond he would sit in one corner and never move.
6 x Polypterus Endlicheri 'Tinkinso' 12"-14"
2 x Polypterus Congicus 12"

Gotta get more though!
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