What causes Drop eye?


New Member
just wondering what causes Drop eye and why most silvers have them?
my Aros dont have drop eye but wanted to know more to prevent it
fatty tissue deposits develop behind the eyes to cause them to drop....personally i think its genetics and not environmental factors...meaning that because the aro is an tank and "has to look down" and outside the tank, causes them to get drop eye because its a strain on their viewing...if this were the case..then all aros should get drop eye because they all live in basically the same tank environments yet not all get DE..
thanks for the tips. I watched the DE surgery on this site and got me thinking. I have had silvers in the past and all had DE before I got them. The 3 non silvers I have now do not have them and want to keep it that way and thus the reason for my question
I have only owned wild caught silvers for fear of them getting DE and none of mine so far have gotten DE. seems like it's the captive breed arows that have this issue and the majority of captive silvers come from farms. So i would agree that it is inbreeding that is the primary factor for DE. Although, food and environment are still definitely contributing factors.
Truth is nobody knows for sure what causes drop eye in aros.

Always fun to speculate tho.

Lots of theories, but it certainly is hard to explain. I once brought in some juvenile RTG's, a day after they arrived one of them suddenly developed DE on his left side. It wasn't gradual, just happened overnight and stayed that way for 6 months. Then slowly a couple of weeks later it went completely back to normal.