Would you buy cloned Asian arowana?


Arowana blogger
Heh, don't laugh! Read the following brief article about cloning pet dogs:


While in S'pore I met with the senior owner of a major Aro farm who told me that the Singapore government is working with a panel of Asian aro aquaculture members to sequence the Asian aro genome, with an eye to "genetic manipulation." I got this information cofirmed by the owner of a major Asian arowana forum. Does this mean cloning is coming? No one could answer. Could it mean isolating desirable/undesirable traits and acting to remove/include them in baby fish? Again, no answer...

I'd predict within 5-10 years we'll all be able to get that "perfect" fish...for a lower price.


New Member
I would agree,specially seeing that they are indangered in the wild. As long as there is no complication and the clone would live to it's potential meaning they would live like the original arowana and not die off in a couple of years."PERFECT" aro would be just around the corner hehehehe.


New Member
If cloning means the price for high end aros is going to drop yes.
but if all aros looks exactly alike then there wont be that much interest in the hobby, cause you already know how your aro will turn out.


New Member
part of the fun is not knowing how your aro will turn out

even if you had a clone their are many factors which determin how the aro turns out light food water conditions

this could just be another way for the farms to kick up their prices if you are told you have a perfect clone of one type of aro

if your aro didnt turn out like the doner aro who ever goes back to the farm to complain

i never have has anyone else hear
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Arowana blogger
Hmm, while S'pore might not allow cloning, what of neighboring countries? Malaysia would spring to mind. With the bigger players increasingly operating across state lines and owning farms in more than one country, it would be pretty easy to transfer the intellectual know-how without government interference.

I agree that the present research does not have cloning as its immediate goal. Look at the big picture, however, and speculate what will come say 5-10 years down the road...


New Member
Take note though that Malaysia and indonesia are muslim country. Their laws are mostly based on the Quran. They might not be open to venture into these kind of things. If ever cloning is to happen it is more likely to be coming from the west and European countries.

Hmm, while S'pore might not allow cloning, what of neighboring countries? Malaysia would spring to mind. With the bigger players increasingly operating across state lines and owning farms in more than one country, it would be pretty easy to transfer the intellectual know-how without government interference.

I agree that the present research does not have cloning as its immediate goal. Look at the big picture, however, and speculate what will come say 5-10 years down the road...


Arowana blogger
Well if not Malaysia/Indonesia, perhaps somewhere else? Right now South Korea is at the world forefront of animal cloning I think.

Does anyone know where those glow in the dark fish that were genetically modified come from? I can't remember whether they were restricted for import to Canada or not, but I think so.


New Member
2 clones exactly the same right so they should turn out the same right

you put clone 1 in a dark room no light and you feed it veg and water

you put clone 2 in a bright room with lots of sun light and feed it big macs with large frys and a jumbo coke

will they both look the same no

clone 1 will be pale and skinny

clone 2 will be fat and have a nice sun tan



New Member
After this experiment - put them back together in the same tank or the same environment and diet. After 2 or 3 months will they look the same???:rolleyes::D

2 clones exactly the same right so they should turn out the same right

you put clone 1 in a dark room no light and you feed it veg and water

you put clone 2 in a bright room with lots of sun light and feed it big macs with large frys and a jumbo coke

will they both look the same no

clone 1 will be pale and skinny

clone 2 will be fat and have a nice sun tan



New Member
exactly my point both clones would need to be kept in the same conditions to look the same

i like my aros looking differant dont you :D