Gold heads - The Full Helmet


New Member
A good looking Gold haed with loads of potential !



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Outstanding fish Michael. What % do you think the head is at in that fish for pricing purposes?
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Full Helmet

This is a Full Helmet so it 100% coverage on the head. Note that these babies have a very distinct V shaped marking in a darker shade of gold. Its a trait that we have seen in production.
Another Full Helmet

Here is another Full Helmet... and this is a beauty !


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I like the emerald hue to the gold in the colouration of your fish. The only fish I have seen to compare it to is the one below I photographed last year at Extreme Arowana in Singapore.




The Full Helmet brood

This is the whole brood at about 11-12 inches.


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When I was at Extreme, they had three classes of "gold heads" for sale; The class 1 fish is the one I have photos of above. The class 2 GH supposedly came from the same pond, were a bit smaller, and had around 30% coverage (patches) on the head. Next up were the 6 inch fry with "gold dust" and "gold threads". The fish were from Sianlon.

It will be interesting to see if GH can breed true over time through line breeding. I guess with all the fish you have pictured coming from the same brood, maybe this time has come...? :)
Not there yet

The 4 are part of a larger brood of about 30. So not there yet. When we can get to 50-70 % of the brood as full helmets will we know that we have a new line. Working at it. These are by and large the best of the best. One of the 4 just got shipped to a customer in Japan recently for a vast sum of money.
That is interesting to learn. It explains the sliding price scale for GH and other high end fish, from juvenile to adult; there are many people in Canada who are willing to buy smaller fish (at reduced price) that have "potential" to be GH. Unless the fish show proven characteristics at time of purchase, however, it will always be a gamble. I suppose there is less of a gamble with buying juvenile SR and XB's since the % chance of the fish developing as hoped for is higher due to succesful line breeding by various farms.

Someone on this forum was posting recently about some DFI GH that sold in Toronto. Thus, there is a market for GH in Canada.

Any chance you can post a video of these fish?
Feast your eyes

This is the Gold Head Full Helmet ........HEAD ON. This picture was taken a few days ago.


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