that tank looks awesome !
Thank you.
tank looks awesome! was this the same tank you had that big aro comm?
is this gh from the same batch as the one i got from you?
Thanks, it is the same tank the aro comm controlled for several years. The gold head came in with yours. He had the least gold on his head of the group but he has a great personality and won me over.
Love the loaches, really making me want to go back to keeping them.
They are super active and very peaceful to watch.
Nice to see your fish eating prawn, wish mine would.
So, how long before you get some kick-ass rays for that monster tank?
These guys will eat most anything. I believe a varied diet is not only beneficial from a nutritional stand point but the variety keeps them eager to eat well. Each night all the aros get something different: Prawn, Barramundi, Tuna, Catfish, Salmon, Trout, Clams, Squid, Krill(freeze dried and frozen), 4.5 mm NLS pellets and Hikari food sticks. I pre-soak all food in Boyd Vita-Chem for balanced multi-vitamins and essential amino acid chains. When I get a finnicky eater I try to avoid live foods at first and try different foods like the ones listed above to find something they will take and in most cases frozen krill will do the trick, but not always. In this case I power feed king worms to small aros or super worms to larger ones for 3-4 weeks. This technique lets the aro know you're not a threat and where and when to find food in its tank. Furthermore it stretches their stomachs so once you start fasting them they have a greater need to want to eat. After this period fast them for a few days then I introduce Tuna(or other fillets) cut into worm sized strips. I prefer Tuna over the other fillets at first as it is soft and dark and resembles a worm most. Sometimes one worm may need to be thrown is to start the frenzy followed by whatever you want them to eat. Remove the worms from their diet and continue on with your own feeding regime. I hope Theo, that maybe something in this babble will help you as I know firsthand how frustrating a finicky eater can be

I have Leopoldi rays slated to go in the 550 once they get a little bigger. I think I will add 2 females and a male and see how that goes.
nice goldbrick you got there =), still seeing the shining gold after the vid ended haha
Thanks, I'm an old school keeper so I like my XB's in a dark tank to really show the deep gold color.
Not a bad neighbour to share with!
The loaches are so active, they really add to the feeding frenzy effect. I also love the driftwood centerpiece. Just needs a big L25 in there to compliment your gold
Thanks, I have thought about it. I have a L114, Sailfin, Highfin, three beacon, and Galaxy plecos already in there though.