Recent content by CanadaPleco

  1. CanadaPleco

    FS: Striped Silver Dollars - Metynnis Fasciatus

    I cannot keep these alive much longer, they are in an UNHEATED garage, so they need a new home. Theres a dozen Metynnis Fasiatus or so of them give or take. $150 for the group. Ive had them for 5 years or there abouts. PICKUP in Whitby this weekend coming and they can be picked up there...
  2. CanadaPleco

    FS: 120" x 24" x 21" (300 gallon glass tank for sale)

    10 feet long, and 2 feet wide.... just under 300 gallons Front panel is star fire glass. External Overflow on left side with 2 x 2" drains. 1" drilled hole at bottom left corner at rear Its not in perfect shape but its pretty darn good! theres a few small scratches on the inside...
  3. CanadaPleco

    2 x Crenicichla zebrina - over 1 foot

    I have 2 x Crenicichla zebrina at massive sizes. Almost never seen in North America at this size. I got in 6 for my tank and only keeping the 4 smaller ones. If you're looking for something different and VERY RARE these zebra pikes are it! Not as aggressive as other pike cichlids. asking...
  4. CanadaPleco

    New Posts - something aint right

    I haven't been to the site in prob a month, I always click New Posts first. This time it shows me half a dozen posts, only going back to the 6th of Sept. Something is very messed up with this... It should be showing me stuff from the beginning of August. If I visit the site more...
  5. CanadaPleco

    Blood Red Oscars - WANTED

    VERY Red!, I want a group of 5 or so!
  6. CanadaPleco

    Blood Red Oscars - WANTED

    Hey guys, I figured this would be the best spot to ask this with so many great connections to Asia here. Im looking for a bunch of these awesome Blood Red Oscars. They've never been in Canada or the US before that I am aware of, but can be found over seas for pretty reasonable prices ($30-40...
  7. CanadaPleco

    Temensis peacock bass - two 20 inchers

    Saw them the other day. massive and awesome fish!
  8. CanadaPleco

    Equipment for sale

    Heres the full list of stuff available Tanks 75g Tanks (Miracles - 6 available $100 ea) 75g Tank (marinland or perfecto cannot remember) - $75 ea (2 available) 40g Tank - $60 **** Pics of tanks are NOT possible! They are stored in my garage on end and up high, I am only bringing them down if...
  9. CanadaPleco

    Black Bar Silver Dollars & Striped Silver Dollars

    Striped SD's are pending.
  10. CanadaPleco

    Black Bar Silver Dollars & Striped Silver Dollars

    Crappy video of them -
  11. CanadaPleco

    Black Bar Silver Dollars & Striped Silver Dollars

    Ive got 8-9 of them that need a new home. they are around 4"+ TL Seems to be a decent mix of males and females. $150 for the group. Also have some striped Silver Dollars they are smaller and don't get nearly as big (max out at 5-6") Would sell 6 of these as a group. $150 for the group.
  12. CanadaPleco

    Building a glass tank

    Glass tanks are not recommended to go higher then 36" and at that height you should be using 3/4" glass.
  13. CanadaPleco

    Building a glass tank

    If you are wanting to go 4.5' tall your going to need extremely thick glass, my guess would be over an inch thick. Big $$$$$. My 48"x25"x24" of half inch glass bows! The pressure goes up massively that taller the tank is.
  14. CanadaPleco

    Building a glass tank

    Ppl do ply because it's cheaper then glass. Myself if I were building one I'd do it with acrylic. Glass scratches, is very heavy and doesn't insulate at all. Acrylic holds temp a lot better, u can buff out scratches and a couple people could move the tank vs an army.