Recent content by Cypher

  1. Cypher

    Dynamic Super Red *Update from below, new pictures*

    This arowana will be available to be viewed/purchased at Gold Ocean Aquarium tomorrow. Just mention that you are from arowanaclub to get it at $1000, as that is the price for forumers only. Thanks. Louis
  2. Cypher

    FS: 8" Indo Dats, 11" Motoro Ray

    Tigers are SOLD Stingray is on hold until Thursday.
  3. Cypher

    Dynamic Super Red *Update from below, new pictures*

    Chen! Its been a while man. Ive been completely out of the fish hobby for a while now. But now im back into it again. How are the rays? Ill drop by when I get the chance to check up on them again! See ya soon bud.
  4. Cypher

    Dynamic Super Red *Update from below, new pictures*

    I tried to measure him again while I was taking pictures, and I think hes closer to 18" rather than the 20" I initially mentioned.
  5. Cypher

    Dynamic Super Red *Update from below, new pictures*

    Thanks mike. Its been a while man, hows the fishing been in BC?
  6. Cypher

    FS: 8" Indo Dats, 11" Motoro Ray

    Here are updated pictures of the Tigers and Ray!! Thanks guys.
  7. Cypher

    Dynamic Super Red *Update from below, new pictures*

    Hey guys, Sorry Im not sure why I cannot edit my previous thread below, however I just got the SLR back and decided to take some more tantilizing pictures. Thanks to those who have already inquired, hopefully these pictures will give you a better idea of what the fish is like. And I...
  8. Cypher

    FS: 20" Dynamic Super Red

    Mississauga. Thanks for your interest.
  9. Cypher

    FS: 8" Indo Dats, 11" Motoro Ray

    Mississauga, but Im in Markham all the time. Can deliver if needed.
  10. Cypher

    FS: 8" Indo Dats, 11" Motoro Ray

    Hey guys, Selling some fish for my friend. These fish are currently in my tank and have been acclimated for more than a week. 2 - 8" Indo Dats 4 Bar (Eat shrimp, sometimes massivore). Never hide. These guys are always out and about! They were stable in their original tank. I believe the...
  11. Cypher

    FS: 20" Dynamic Super Red

    Thanks guys. The farm is Dinamika from Indonesia.
  12. Cypher

    FS: 20" Dynamic Super Red

    Thanks guys for the support.
  13. Cypher

    FS: 20" Dynamic Super Red

    After giving it some thought, Ive decided to sell my Super Red. Want to get back into the cichlid game and decided that I have to let him go. Hes about 20", purchased him in February of 2009 at 5" from Gold Ocean Aquarium. No defects on him, good jaw position, color is a strong copper/orange...
  14. Cypher

    got 5 peacock bass, need help id with ich???, and suggestion! (pic included)

    These are definitely Occelaris. Monos would have dark black patches all over the body, as per below:
  15. Cypher

    Foot long clown loach $168

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