Thanks everyone,
5 days after the surgery i am 20/24, which is legal to drive. Its scary how crappy your vision can be and still be able to operate a motor vehicle
Hey everyone,
So i am able to sneak on the comp for a little bit, but everything is pretty hard to read. I had laser eye surgery on Monday and my vision is just starting to improve. I'm pretty happy that i will be contact free for the rest of my life!
LH never been my kind of fish, but that one looks kinda cool.
EKEN, i should ban you just for saying that haha jkjk, you call yourself an arofanatic?
p.s.Rulaifu, FRT=fly river turtle, just another name for PNT
The greens at big als burnaby are sub par.
But by all means if you want an arowana with drop eye, gill curl, defective barbels and small fins go there! oh and pay a premium on top!
Theres really no point in removing the clowns or balas. You need to treat the entire tank...
You're on the right track for treatment though. I gradually raise the temp (over a couple days) to 86 and gradually add 2 teaspoons per gallon of water.... so in a 180g youd need to add 360 teaspoons...
Absolutely no selling/arranging sale to Americans under any circumstances. I don't care if you're George Bush.
and yes, if i know of a member who has sold to Americans the BAN HAMMER will come out. No warnings