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  1. Arrow

    How many clown loaches? Over Under 50. place your bets! j/j =D

    Thats awesome, and his water is damn clear so his filtration must be good
  2. Arrow

    Update Video

    Nice xb but your water looks a lil cloudy, maybe its the lighting or video
  3. Arrow

    Stray voltage and grounding probes.... Im Buzzed

    I would go exchange the heater if you hAVNT ALREADY. I hear those ones are pretty expensive and its def faulty
  4. Arrow

    Rudy was right

    Sorry for your loss super that really sucks.
  5. Arrow

    Thiamninase in shrimp?

    I had 30 neons in my 220gal when I introduced my jardini, slowly I ended up with 5 left. Since he now has a taste for live would feeding the odd convict be a good idea? Does thaminase effect all fish the same way?
  6. Arrow

    Thiamninase in shrimp? I know that most arow keepers keep feed prawn/shrimp, according to the above article they contain Thiaminase. I also feed reg med sized shrimp so I am wondering is it bad for my Jardini/arow's in general. I also feed hikari...
  7. Arrow

    arow ate lg. mystery snail !!

    Keep and eye on your arow but it should be fine. I def wouldnt recomend adding anymore though LOL
  8. Arrow

    My 600G plywood tank

    Congrats on the new setup looks great. I would have gotten a larger front window though Having to press my face up against the glass to see the insides would bug the shit out of me.
  9. Arrow

    My 600G plywood tank

    Congrats on the new setup looks great. I would have gotten a larger front window though Having to press my face up against the glass to see the insides would bug the shit out of me.
  10. Arrow


    Welcome to the site HB
  11. Arrow

    My 300G Is on the Way.. Asian aro comm here i come

    Looking good so far, hope everthing comes together without any problems for ya
  12. Arrow

    Flagtail wont eat

    Since it was being so picky and also the jardini was picking on it at night I decided to take it back to the lfs. I traded it in for an 8in Midas and some color enhancing parrot food. I lost a little but I think its worth it in the end since the jar will def not be picking on this guy.
  13. Arrow

    Flagtail wont eat

    I'll go and pick some up tomorrow and see if he goes for them
  14. Arrow

    Flagtail wont eat

    Thats what I was thinking yuppa, I've had him about 2 weeks now. He was eating arow sticks at the lfs so since he's not touching them here then he must still be jumpy
  15. Arrow

    Flagtail wont eat

    As the title says my flagtail isnt eating. I have not seen him eat since I got him almost 2 weeks ago and he is getting noticably thinner. He comes up for the aro sticks(which he was feeding on at the lfs) and gets within an inch of them but doesnt take them. I know he ducks when the jardini...
  16. Arrow

    Black Pacu ?

    Yeah I've personally never owned one but also hear that they never get full and get huge. I believe a full grown pacu needs a 300gal+ tank
  17. Arrow

    chosing an arowana

    Well it will either change completely and go back to normal in your tank or the shock of the change make make it worse. Depending on the price it might be worth the risk, especially if its still eating and again make sure ithey feed it in front of you
  18. Arrow

    Ray Noobie here

    Wow thanks for the quick replies guys and thanks for the compliment skynoch. I do take great pride in keeping a well maintained tank and its actually easy as long as you stay on top of things. You just boosted my confidence but I thought that the Jardini might be a problem. I'll keep...
  19. Arrow

    Ray Noobie here I was at Dragon the other day picking up a Flagtail and noticed that they had a small ray there. I think it was a Motoro Reticulata/Teacup. The thought of keeping rays never crossed my mind but since seeing that little guy I...
  20. Arrow

    Special Project for 2010

    Amazing! I love your setup Chen and look forward to a video