10 clown loaches 7-12" $100-200 each
ct pulcher over 12" $1000
6 kelberi bass 10-12" $1000
2 super red 22" lives together no fighting $2200
1 gold head 18" bbxb $1300
i am also going to sell a package deal for $11000 firm i will include all the fish listed above along with a 600 gallon...
selling a 16-18 inch pang long bbxb along with a 12" ct and 180 gallon complete setup which includes sump pump heaters all media and a 6 foot light $3000 firm thanks for looking
got a few p13's for sale from myself and a friend they are about 5-6" $700 each, $1350 a pair or $1800 for 3 pm me with your email address if your interested then i can email you the photos thanks for looking