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  1. tomuhs

    Coming Soon!!!

    Looking to coordinate a calgary group buy here. Already have 2 ppl on board. Please let me know! I need to replace some of my fish :'(
  2. tomuhs

    Surprise CV Maju aro order!

    Good news and bad news. Good news is the SR is gorgeous. Thank you Theo for everything. The other SR that came in is outstanding as well and my buddy is super happy with it. I'll get some pictures of the little guy later. On to the bad news.....had a bad leak in the drip last nite causing...
  3. tomuhs

    600 Gal build

    Haha for sure. Ya was surprised but no fighting. I used to have two FF and they fought so much I had to get rid of them. Lol I'd totally grow em out but they don't seem to be the fastest growers.
  4. tomuhs

    600 Gal build

    Those look badass together! Too bad thank too small, their lips all busted up. Pretty sure they'd look good in ur 520 haha.
  5. tomuhs

    Coming Soon!!!

    Dam can't wait...not sure if my big tank will be up by then tho haha
  6. tomuhs

    600 Gal build

    Thanks buddy. Always appreciate your advice. Ya kinda debating whether to go with the FF. When I had him in tha tank I didn't get any film on the glass, and he was an awesome $hit eater. Love how they also get so big and like to dash. I guess we'll see. Still waiting on a good size...
  7. tomuhs

    600 Gal build

    Totally wanted to buddy but I couldn't fit the big stands downstairs :mad: So i'm stuck with two 6 footers. Builder cancelled this weekend due to forgotten CNY...will try to post updates when we get started.
  8. tomuhs

    600 Gal build

    Thx bro for comments! Def looking forward to the L shape, get to maximize the viewing space. Cheers
  9. tomuhs

    Happy Chinese New Year!!!

    Happy Chinese New Years! Super red for me!
  10. tomuhs

    600 Gal build

    Thx buddy! Hmm so far 4 leos, 4 Kbass, 3 Aros, Spotted Gar, Indo dats, a fei feng, group of clown loads and some SDs. Looking forward to stocking it.
  11. tomuhs

    600 Gal build

    Well the big tank project has officially begun. Safe to say this whole ordeal has been relatively stressful with several road bumps but i'm glad things are finally beginning to shape up. Huge shout outs to Glamit for the hookups and help with everything. The dimensions will be...
  12. tomuhs

    My super red

    Beautiful fin-age and very very red lips! Is it a blue base?? Nice clear tank too!
  13. tomuhs

    First Asian aro.

  14. tomuhs

    small arowanas large stingrays ?

    If you're looking to comm, you'll most likely want to get the aros when young so you get a higher chance of comming when grown up. Most small aros, when imported, will come in around 4'', and I would not recommend putting them in with your rays at 15''. You can always buy larger aros but will...
  15. tomuhs


    Wow great improvement! That's a relief.
  16. tomuhs

    How many arowanas for pairing?

    What would you guys advise to do when the aros start pairing off in a comm? Would it be better to isolate the pair or to keep them in a comm and strip eggs when the eggs have incubated in the male for long enuff? Doubt i'll ever be in this predicament but let's say for the sake of discussion...
  17. tomuhs

    CV Maju BBXB 1 mth update

    Nice, I wanna try getting my fish on silversides for the same reason. I am currently marinating the fish but no one's taking cept some rays. How was training your aro on sole? Did it take long? You know it's funny; my friend is always bugging me to sell my HBRTG but I keep telling that he's...
  18. tomuhs

    Exotic Aquaria's on Facebook!!!

    +1 Like
  19. tomuhs

    CV Maju BBXB 1 mth update

    I must say I really appreciate you taking the time to post pictures of your fish. They all so sumo and defect free! Love it. What are you feeding them? I'm assuming varied diet and probably all pellet trained being in a comm and all. You must have a strong heart! Aros look like they like...
  20. tomuhs

    CV Maju BBXB 1 mth update

    Thanks bro! Your WT was the inspiration! Agreed my friend. There's always hope since I'm willing to wait up to 2-4 years for the Aro to develop but he's definitely a HBRTG: no pearlies nor any shine on the 6th level. Maju def dropped the ball on this guy and it seems that their brood stock...