First Asian aro.


Super Moderator
I picked up my first RTG from Dragonfish 4 nights ago and it came in looking very healthy. It is currently in my 230 gallon with some growout peacock bass and some catfish and few other fish. I tried feeding it some MP with no luck yet. It ignores the pellets which I expected as I was told it was eating MP. When should I expect this aro to start eating? How long until I should start to worry about it not eating? I recently had a black arowana stop eating for 3 months but that fish was 2 feet long and totally different personality and it just started eating last week. Not sure how long a 6" asian aro can go without eating.

It still is kind of looking spooked and out of place in my 230 and was wondering if I should put it into my 90 gallon where I have 4 small flagtails a small armatus and 6 small black bar silver dollars growing out.
his still trying to get use to his new digs. I'd say a few more days....cut up small pieces of MP's drop them in, if he doesn't take it make sure the other tank mates due so it's not left in the tank too long. Keep at this feeding every so often at least 2-3 times each day until he starts eating....need to always be persistent when feeding a new fish.
I would agree with everything Chen says; if after another few days you still have no luck, you could try a couple live crickets to stimulate his appetite. The only problem with that is once an aro takes a liking to live food it can be really hard to get them on to other foods; thus, cut up shrimp and hopefully pellets are the best way to go.
Ive always kept new young aros in smaller spaces as I find larger tanks do spook them easier. If you have a smaller tank available, it couldn't hurt to move him until he puts on some size and gets more comfortable. I've used MP and superworms on different aros, both work well for putting on size quickly but as Theo points out, SW are like crack for fish. I don't mind using them for aros because they can be so stubborn. But it's very common for new arrivals to go a week or two before they begin showing an interest in food. Patience and persistence!
Moved him to my 90 for a couple weeks and he started eating. He is now back in my 230 gallon eating Pellets and SW. I fed the SW hikari sticks and carrots so I am wondering if that's what got him onto the Hikari sticks. Anyway he is eating good now! Thanks Theo.
great to hear....he'll bulk up in no's amazing their growth rate is sometimes not noticed since you see him everyday...
great to hear....he'll bulk up in no's amazing their growth rate is sometimes not noticed since you see him everyday...

Agreed great to hear! Would you be able to take a progress pic by any chance?

Awesome that your aro is finally eating and eating pellets too! Aros can be so picky sometimes...feel like a parent trying to get their kid to eat their veggies or something.
Here is the progress pic.


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One more and then I will wait until it's in the 520 to take the next picture.


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Update as it's getting a little bigger and of course more colorful.


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